Verb Chunks,Quentin寫作報,Blog


Verb Chunks
Last week we focused on the difference between verb chunks (verbs with no prepositions), and phrasal verbs (verbs with prepositions). For the following weeks we are going to do more work on the first of these groups, verb chunks. This week, I’m going to introduce you to the different types of verb chunks, then next week, we’ll look at how to use them in emails.
Let’s look at verb chunks in more detail. These can be put into roughly 5 or 6 groups, based on the patterns of the chunks. Do the next task to see what I mean. In the tasks that follow, remember to always look very carefully and focus on what you see in front of your eyes.
Verb chunks are important to know because if you know what the chunk of the verb is, that will help you to use it correctly in a sentence. Many of the mistakes that people make with sentence structure are actually mistakes with verb chunks. Therefore, learning the verb chunks can help you to avoid these kind of mistakes and will help to make your English more gramatically accurate, and therefore clearer.
Task 1: Look carefully at these following chunks. Sort them into the table below.
 arrange n.p.
 ask s/o to V
 begin to V
 believe that v.p.
 continue to V
 continue Ving
 decide that v.p.
 enjoy Ving
 feel that v.p.
 find n.p.
 help s/o to V
 involve Ving
 prepare to V
 recommend that v.p.
 remember n.p.
 require s/o to V
 try Ving
 understand n.p.
 use s/th to V
 want to V
V + n.p
V that + v.p.
V to V
V s/o to V
V Ving
Verb complements
V + n.p
V that + v.p.
V s/o to V
V Ving
Here are the answers from last week.

V + n.p
V that + v.p.
V to V
V s/o to V
V Ving
 find n.p.
 understand n.p.
 arrange n.p.
 remember n.p.
 feel that v.p.
 believe that v.p.
 decide that v.p.
 recommend that v.p.
 want to V
 continue to V
 prepare to V
 begin to V
 help s/o to V
 ask s/o to V
 require s/o to V
 use s/th to V
 continue Ving
 enjoy Ving
 involve Ving
 try Ving

*Notice that some verbs have more than one chunk: ‘continue Ving’ and ‘continue to V’, for example. We will look at the difference between these in more detail later.
*S/o and S/th is the same as n.p., but sometimes you need to distinguish between what kind of n.p. you are using, a person noun or a thing noun. If it just says n.p., then you don’t need to distinguish.
*There are a few more kinds of non-prepositional verb chunks but I’ll introduce you to those later. For now, that’s all you need to know about non-prepositional verbs.
文章分類:Tense overview
上一篇:Verb Patterns:Verb Chunks and Phrasal Verbs
下一篇:Using Verb Chunks

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