面試後的 follow-up email 的撰寫重點和模板 1,Quentin寫作報,Blog


面試後的 follow-up email 的撰寫重點和模板 1
1. 感謝面試機會或電話聯繫。

超過五分之一的招募人員表示,如果他們沒有收到感謝信(thank-you note),他們就不太可能僱用那個人。信中可提及面試過程中一些有趣的細節,甚至補充你認為你當時沒有回答好的問題。


Dear Ms. Chan,

I am writing regarding the interview I had with you [yesterday] for the position of [market associate].

It was very enjoyable to talk with you about the position. The job seems to be [a very good match] for my skills and interests. The [collaborative team and the fun, fast-changing and challenging culture] that you described strongly confirmed my desire to work with you.

In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position [strong business English communication skills, proactive attitude, and strong organization and time management skills].

I appreciate very much the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and I look forward to hearing from you regarding this position.

Sincerely yours,
Anthony Wong

2. 雖然未獲錄取,但仍然感謝對方的寶貴時間。



Dear Ms. Chan,

Thank you for your [telephone call] [this morning] regarding the [market associate] position at [Expedium].

I was disappointed to learn I did not get the job, but I would like to express my thanks for the professionalism showed to me during the interview process.

I would also like to reiterate my interest in working for [Expedium], and if the position or similar one becomes available, please keep me in mind.

Thank you again for all your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Anthony Wong

※ 以上內容節錄自 貝塔語測《 數位英文履歷寫作指南:連結社群創新自我行銷力 》作者:Nigel P. Daly


Step by Step 循序建構高分寫作力


上一篇:善用 "KISSES" 法則編寫數位履歷
下一篇:面試後的 follow-up email 的撰寫重點和模板 2

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