面試後的 follow-up email 的撰寫重點和模板 2,Quentin寫作報,Blog


面試後的 follow-up email 的撰寫重點和模板 2

※ 本文內容節錄自 貝塔語測《 數位英文履歷寫作指南:連結社群創新自我行銷力 》作者:Nigel P. Daly

3. 感謝錄取,願接受該工作機會。

在這封 email 中,字裡行間應流露出你對即將做出貢獻充滿熱情,並提及該職位的一些細節和商定的就職日期。


Dear Ms. Chan,

Thank you for your [telephone call] [yesterday] regarding the [market associate] position at [Expedium].

As discussed on the phone, I am very pleased to accept the position and I would like to thank you again for the opportunity. I am eager to make a positive contribution to the company and work with everyone on the [Expedium] team.

As agreed, my starting salary will be [NTD 35,000]. The package also includes [labor health insurance, a three-week paid vacation in the first year, and reimbursements for leisure travel each year ($250–$750USD, depending on tenure)].

Once again, thank you for this opportunity and I look forward to starting employment with you on [July 1, 20XX]. If there is any additional information or paperwork you need from me prior to then, please let me know.

Best regards,
Anthony Wong

4. 感謝錄取,但予以婉拒。

這是一封很難下筆的 email,因為你有責任給予該公司一個不接受工作機會的充分理由。畢竟,他們花時間面試不只一位求職者而最終選擇了你,因此為何婉拒必須深思熟慮再提出。盡量避免直接或缺乏說服力的原因,例如薪水太低、家人生病或計畫出國唸書等。


Dear Ms. Chan,

Thank you for your [telephone call] [this morning] regarding the [market associate] position at [Expedium].

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for offering me the opportunity to work at [Expedium].

Unfortunately, I will not be accepting the position as [I already decided to take a position at another company two days ago since it appears to be a very good match for my current professional goals.] It was a tough decision for me, and I hope you can understand.

Once again, thank you very much for the offer. I am sorry that I am unable to accept at the present time.
However, should my circumstances change, I will certainly contact you again.

I wish you all the best in finding a suitable candidate for the position.

Best regards,
Anthony Wong

上一篇:面試後的 follow-up email 的撰寫重點和模板 1

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