如何規劃回答「問題/解決方法的文章」 | |
2024/03/05 | |
How to Plan Your Answer: Problem/Solution Essay 在開始寫作前先進行規劃才能有邏輯地組織你的想法,而不是想到什麼就寫什麼。 ★ 透過腦力激盪產生想法
現在我們來看一個真題範例,你會更了解本文所指「問題/解決方法的文章」為何,並請思考一下你會如何完成這類寫作。 109 年學士後中醫(慈濟) More and more studies have shown that dementia occurs not only among seniors, but also people under the age of 60. Please write an essay around 200–250 words to discuss the possible problems dementia patients and their families might face. Also, as a Chinese medicine doctor, how would you help your patients and their families to cope with the illness. ※ 以上內容節錄自 貝塔語測《 論證型英文寫作速成教戰 》作者:Quentin Brand |
文章分類:英文寫作不卡關 | |
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