I prefer to work in a safe and comfortable work environment. I also think that a company should be open to giving and receiving ideas.我比較喜歡在安全和舒適的環境中工作。我也認為公司應該對意見的提出和採納採開放的態度。
I think the fundamental characteristics of a good work environment are safe, comfortable and nice to work in. Also a company can create a great work environment by offering employees ongoing opportunities to develop new job-related skills. In addition, not only should a company provide feedback to employees about how they can improve, but a company should also welcome new ideas from employees.我認為好的工作環境最基本的特徵是安全、舒適,而且會讓人樂意在其中工作。另外,公司可藉由不斷提供員工增進工作相關技能的機會,來創造出最好的工作環境。除此之外,公司不僅要時時提供員工關於如何在工作上更精進的意見回饋,也要能採納員工的意見。
- Not only should S + V, but S should also V ...
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A: Do you have anything for a really bad cough? 你們有沒有什麼藥可以治療嚴重的咳嗽? B: This cough medicine is a pain reliever and cough suppressant. 這個咳嗽藥方是止痛藥兼鎮咳劑。
A: I might have a fever. Is there anything that can make it go down? 我好像發燒了。有什麼藥可以退燒嗎? B: If you just have a mild fever, a few Advil or Tylenol tablets will help. 如果你只是輕微發燒,吃一點 Advil 或 Tylenol 藥片會有幫助。
A: What can you recommend for cold sores? 你會建議用什麼藥治療唇皰疹? B: We have a gel and an ointment that helps cold sores. 我們有凝膠和軟膏可以治療唇皰疹。
A: Is there something I can take for a really stuffy nose? 我嚴重鼻塞,有沒有什麼藥可以吃? B: We have a few different sinus medicines. Do you have a stuffy nose because of a cold or allergies? 我們有幾種不同鼻竇藥。你的鼻塞是因為感冒還是過敏所引起的?
A: I can't sleep at night because I get coughing fits. 我晚上睡不著,因為我一直咳嗽。 B: Here, this nighttime formula will help you get a good night's rest. 喏,這個安眠藥劑會讓你一夜好眠。
A: What can I take for an upset stomach? 我胃不舒服,可以吃什麼藥? B: If you're feeling nauseous, you should take Pepto Bismol, but an antacid will work for a regular upset stomach. 如果你覺得噁心,可以吃 Pepto Bismol ,但是一般的胃不舒服用制酸劑就可以了。
- suppressant抑制藥
- fever發燒
- mild輕微的
- cold sore唇皰疹
- ointment軟膏;油性藥膏
- sinus鼻竇
- allergy過敏症
- fit(病的)發作
- formula配方;處方
- upset不舒服的
- nauseous令人作嘔的;使人厭惡的
- antacid解酸劑;制酸劑