but that's a par for the course.
中式英文Our department budget is cutting again, but that's not so surprising though.
老外這樣說此句也是來自同學的提問。「意料中之事」的英文要怎麼講?大家第一時間腦中可能會浮現“I knew that already.”或“I'm not surprised.”等,這兩個說法雖然沒錯,但若是改用片語“par for the course”來表達則更加貼近老外平常的說話習慣。
A: How was the meeting? Any big news?
B: The department budget is going to be cut again, but that's a par for the course. A:會開得怎麼樣?有沒有什麼大事?
The department budget is going to be cut again, but we knew that was probably going to happen. 部門預算又要被刪減了,但我們知道那也是遲早的事。
Our budget is going to be cut again, but what did you expect? 我們的預算又要被砍了,要不然還會怎麼樣?
- budget預算
- par for the course意料中之事;難怪
- probably大概;很可能
- expect預期;預計;期待
- 本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《外商.百大英文口語勝經》我想購買這本書
- 抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程歡迎試聽
Doctor: When did the headaches first start? 第一次頭痛是什麼時候開始的? Patient: They started about a week ago. 大約是一個禮拜前開始。
Doctor: Do they last a long time? 頭痛是不是持續很久? Patient: Sometimes it lasts for a few seconds. Other times it lasts for 15 minutes or more. 有時候持續幾秒鐘,有時候持續十五分鐘,甚至更久。
Doctor: Is it a dull ache or a piercing pain? 是隱隱作痛,還是頭痛欲裂? Patient: It feels like a pounding on the right side of my head. / It's more like a throbbing pain. 痛得像我的腦袋右側在乒乒乓乓響。/感覺比較像是陣陣抽痛。
Doctor: Where is the pain located? 痛的位置在哪裡? Patient: The pain is isolated around my temples. 痛的地方主要在我兩側太陽穴。
Doctor: When do they usually occur? 頭痛通常發生在什麼時候? Patient: They usually occur when I'm overtired or stressed. 通常發生在我過度疲勞或有壓力的時候。
Doctor: Do you have any other symptoms? Vision problems? Tightness in your jaw? 你還有沒有其他症狀?視覺有沒有問題?下巴有沒有緊緊的? Patient: Whenever I get a headache, my vision gets blurry. 我只要頭痛,視線就會模糊。
- dull隱約的
- piercing尖銳的;刺穿的
- throb心臟、脈搏等的跳動;悸動
- isolated被隔離的
- temple太陽穴
- overtired過度疲勞的
- stressed緊張的;感到有壓力的
- jaw下顎
- vision視力
- blurry模糊的