ex:As project leader, my job is to manage the whole project from start to finish. (身為專案領導人,我的工作是從頭到尾管理整件案子。)
ex:I planned the project last year, but since my boss only now approved the project, I can finally start to implement it. My first task is to assemble a good project team, and then get some project finance. (我去年就規劃了這個案子,但由於老闆直到現在才批准案子,所以我總算能開始實行了。 我的首要之務是組一支理想的專案團隊,然後申請一些專案經費。)
ex:We are going to launch several new major R&D projects this year. (我們今年將推出幾件新的重大研發案。)
ex:Project management includes running all aspects of the project. (專案管理包含了推動專案的各個層面。)
ex:How can I know your project status if you never give me a project status report? (假如你從來不交案件進度報告給我,我怎麼會知道你的案件進度?)