Chad:My sister is at home crying right now. What have you got to say? (查德:我妹現在正在家裡哭,你有什麼話說?)
Dave:I say mind your own business. (戴夫:我說你少管閒事。) (雷蒙娜:嗨,丹尼,好久不見。)
Chad:You want me to mind my own business? Why don't I just mop up the floor with you? (查德:你要我少管閒事?那我痛扁你一頓如何?)
Dave:You and what army? (戴夫:就憑你嗎?)
Chad:I wouldn't need an army to take care of you. (查德:我不用別人幫忙就可以收拾你。)
Dave:Aw, you're full of hot air. Relax, Rambo. (戴夫:哦,你是在虛張聲勢吧,放輕鬆點,藍波。)
Chad:Listen, Dave. I want you to stay away from my sister. (查德:你給我聽著,戴夫,我要你離我妹妹遠一點。)
Dave:Let's get something straight. I do what I want, when I want, and with whoever I want. (戴夫:讓我們把話挑明了講吧,我想跟誰在什麼時候做什麼事,誰都管不著。)
.mind one's own business 管好自己就好;少管閒事 .mop up the floor with someone 海扁某人一頓 .You and what army? 就憑你嗎;你跟你的哪些幫手啊?(有示威的語氣) .full of hot air 打腫臉充胖子;虛張聲勢;外表強硬,內心軟弱 .Let's get something straight. 我們把話說清楚。