搞定出差英文:Going to the Trade Show.(參觀商展。)-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁熱門電子報歷期小補丸搞定出差英文:Going to the Trade Show.(參觀商展。)

No.943 2019.07.24
Going to the Trade Show.


實戰對話 Show Time→
Tony:Excuse me, where is the ticket counter?
Woman:It’s over there on the left.
Tony:Thank you.
Tony finds the ticket counter.(東尼找到售票櫃臺。)
Clerk:Hello, may I help you?
Tony:Hi, how much is the admission fee?
Clerk:It’s five euros each, so that will be €10.00 for the two of you.
Cindy:I’ve already pre-registered for the Madrid Electronics Super Show. Where can I pick up my badge?
Clerk:What is your name, please?
Cindy:Cindy Kent.
Clerk:Yes, I see your name on the list. There is a special table inside the building marked“Pre-registration Pickup.” You can’t miss it.
Tony pays the admission fee and enters with Cindy. Cindy finds the pre-registration table and picks up her badge.(東尼付了入場費後和辛蒂一起進去。辛蒂找到預先報名桌並拿到她的識別證。)
Tony:Let’s check out the exhibition booth selling the videogames.
Cindy:Tony, I’m sorry. Those videogames don’t interest me. I’m going to look at that kiosk displaying MP3 players and other recording devices.
Tony:OK, see you later.
Exhibitor:Hello. May I show you a really fun product—one of our new videogames? Have you seen the new game called“PowerBoy?” Would you like a demonstration?
Tony:Sure. I’m also interested in your game consoles as well.
Exhibitor:Wonderful. Here is our console named“The Machine.” This game console is one of our most popular models. It comes in three different colors: black, blue, and green.
Tony:It looks like a good product.
Tony accidentally drops the videogame.(東尼不小心把電玩弄掉了。)
Tony:Hey, it’s not working. Why doesn’t it work?
Exhibitor:I think you broke it. (awkward silence) But don’t worry. It’s only a display model.
.Where is the (ticket/check-in) counter? (售票/報到)處在哪裡?
.How much is the admission fee to (event)? (活動)的門票要多少錢?
.I’ve already pre-registered for (event). 我已經預先報名參加(活動)了。
.Where can I pick up my badge for (event)? 我可以在哪裡拿到參加(活動)的識別證?
.Let’s check out the exhibition booth. 咱們去瞧瞧展場攤位。
本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《 搞定出差英文 》   我想購買這本書
抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程 歡迎試聽


要上台做簡報已經讓你焦慮、怯場, 還得克服英語障礙簡直難上加難?!專為忙碌的上班族們量身打造,化繁為簡的商務英文簡報成功策略,讓商務溝通更有效果,職場生涯從此翻紅!
Our sales have steadily increased over the years.
  分析視覺資料時必須用到幾種說明方法。首先是說明「增加」的方法。動詞除了increase 之外,也可以用 rise / go up / grow / expand 等。
  ex:Interest rates have considerably increased.
  ex:Our profits have gone up during the summer.
  ex:Our production has grown for the first time since the IMF period.
(自 IMF 期間以來我們的生產量第一次有了成長。)
  ex:Our export figures have expanded gradually.
  ex:In the fourth quarter, the company’s profits shot up by 30%.
(公司的利潤在第四季急速成長了 30%。)
  增加 increase 要說明從過去到現在一定的時間內數據有增加時,須用現在完成式 have / has increased 來表示。此外,rise 和 grow 也是表示增加的動詞。
本單元選錄自:貝塔語言出版上班族週末充電課:簡報英文 》  我想購買這本書
抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程 歡迎試聽







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