搞定行銷英文:Negotiating a Contract.(談判合約。)-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁熱門電子報歷期小補丸搞定行銷英文:Negotiating a Contract.(談判合約。)

No.948 2019.08.28
Negotiating a Contract.


實戰對話 Show Time→
Patricia: Your videophone certainly sounds like an exciting product. I’m glad you are thinking about using Direct-2-U to promote your sales in China. I suggest you go for our premium package.
Ted: I’ve seen the details, and I’m sorry I can’t agree to the terms. It says in your brochure that you take a commission of thirty percent on each item sold. To us, that’s unacceptable.
Patricia: Ted, because we really believe your product will generate volume sales, we are prepared to offer you a better deal. Our proposal is to charge only twentyfive percent, instead of the standard rate. Plus, we’rewilling to forego the management fee. What do you think about those terms?
Ted: I’m afraid the offer is still not good enough, Patricia. A better proposal would be twelve to fifteen percent. It goes without saying that the management fee should be waived.
Patricia: Ted, please, that’s impossible. We have never given any client such a good deal. Maybe we should look at a cheaper option than the Premium Package. I’d like to offer you a discount on our Superior Package.It doesn’t give you as much exposure in peak hours but it is cheaper. Is a ten percent reduction satisfactory? That would mean we could offer it to you at a commission of seventeen percent.
Ted: The Superior Package is out of the questions. We are really only interested in the Premium Package. How about if we make it seventeen percent for the Premium Package. I can live with that.
.I suggest .... 我建議⋯⋯。
.We are prepared to .... 我們已經準備⋯⋯。
.Our proposal is .... 我們的提議是⋯⋯。
.What do you think about ... ? 對於⋯⋯你覺得怎麼樣?
.I’d like to offer you.... 我想提供給你⋯⋯。
.How/what about ... ? ⋯⋯怎麼樣?
本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《 搞定行銷英文
抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程 歡迎試聽


要上台做簡報已經讓你焦慮、怯場, 還得克服英語障礙簡直難上加難?!專為忙碌的上班族們量身打造,化繁為簡的商務英文簡報成功策略,讓商務溝通更有效果,職場生涯從此翻紅!
The TAIEX has been fluctuating between 9,600 and 9,700.
(台灣加權股價指數在 9,600 跟 9,700 之間波動。)
  政策、物價、意見、想法、天氣等等不斷地在變化、波動時,可以用 fluctuate / the ups and downs / roller-coaster 等來表達。
  ex:It is difficult to fix the price because of the constantly fluctuating price of crude oil.
  ex:The fluctuation in the price should be taken into consideration.
  ex:Stock prices fluctuate throughout the day.
  ex:The Dow Jones index shows the ups and downs of the market during the war period.
  ex:Over the last few years, we have seen the popularity of our products take a roller-coaster ride.
  波動,變化fluctuate 當現象不穩定或有大變化的時候可以用 fluctuate 來表現。
本單元選錄自:貝塔語言出版上班族週末充電課:簡報英文 》  我想購買這本書
抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程 歡迎試聽







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