搞定行銷英文:New Product Meeting II.(新產品會議II。)-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁熱門電子報歷期小補丸搞定行銷英文:New Product Meeting II.(新產品會議II。)

No.954 2019.10.09
New Product Meeting I.(新產品會議I。)
New Product Meeting II.


實戰對話 Show Time→
Thomas:So, as you can see, there are a lot of factors to consider. We must convince consumers to spend more of their disposable income on our products.
(湯瑪斯: 所以各位都知道,要考慮的因素很多。我們必須說服消費者把更多的可支配所得花在我們的產品上。)
Sandra:If we look at the market trends over the past several years, there seems to be a definite pattern: people want more value for their money. It's not rocket science.
(珊卓: 假如我們看看過去幾年來的市場趨勢,似乎有個明確的模式:大家都希望自己花的錢能更有價值。這並不難理解。)
Dennis:Right. I think the way to break out of this low market demand is to give customers more features and functions without significantly increasing price.
(丹尼斯: 沒錯。我想突破這個疲弱不振的市場需求的辦法就是,在不大幅漲價的情況下,提供顧客更多的特色與功用。)
Sandra:I think if we can offer a product with many more features, we could produce an item that is in demand.
(珊卓: 我認為假如我們所推出的產品能增加許多特殊功能,我們就能創造出銷路好的商品。)
Veronica:Well, cameras on cell phones are already becoming fairly common. Many people have responded well to camera-phones.
(維若妮卡: 嗯,具照相功能的手機已經變得相當普遍。有不少人對照相手機的反應都很好。)
Dennis:True. That market was booming for a while, especially when the camera cell phones first came on the market. Sales have slowed down a bit since then, though.
(丹尼斯: 的確。那個市場走強了好一陣子,尤其是照相手機剛上市的時候。不過之後銷售量就減緩了。)
Sandra:What we need to do is to offer a cell phone with a multitude of features. I think a phone with a camera, a PDA, an MP3 player, and an AM/FM radio has lots of market potential.
(珊卓: 我們應該採取的做法是,推出具有眾多特殊功能的手機。我認為融合相機、PDA 、MP3 播放機以及調幅與調頻收音機的手機有很大的市場潛力。)
Dennis:Hey, don't forget the latest technology: videophone. I know it's still in the early stages, but that could really set a trend. People will come to expect a videophone, and will be disappointed if a model doesn't have video capability that allows them to see the person they are talking to.
(丹尼斯: 嘿,別忘了最新的科技:視訊電話。我知道它還在初期階段,但它很可能會引起風潮。大家會對視訊電話有所期待,所以要是一款手機缺乏可以讓他們看到通話對象的視訊功能,他們就會覺得失望。)
Sandra:That's what I call a win-win situation!
(珊卓: 那就是我所謂的雙贏局面!)
  1. Sth. is (really) in demand. 某物銷路(十分)好。
  2. The market is (booming/slowing) . 市場正在(走強╱走弱)。
  3. Sth/sb. have lots of potential in.... 某物╱某人在⋯⋯有很大的潛力。
  4. a win-win situation 雙贏局面
本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《 搞定行銷英文
抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程 歡迎試聽


要上台做簡報已經讓你焦慮、怯場, 還得克服英語障礙簡直難上加難?!專為忙碌的上班族們量身打造,化繁為簡的商務英文簡報成功策略,讓商務溝通更有效果,職場生涯從此翻紅!
Three years ago, we were at the top of theworld. But today, we are nowhere near where we once were.
  ex: Remember it can take years to build a good reputation, but it only takes seconds to lose it.
  ex: Everybody said that it was impossible, but we made it anyway.
ex: The competition in the cosmetics market was very fierce last year. Our sales revenue, however, has increased due to our sophisticated designs and low prices.
ex: We implemented many regulations to keep our costs down last year. On the contrary, our costs have gone up slightly because workers were not used to these new regulations.
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