搞定出差英文:Applying for the Visa.(申辦簽證。)-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁熱門電子報歷期小補丸搞定出差英文:Applying for the Visa.(申辦簽證。)
No.961 2019.11.27
Applying for the Visa.


實戰對話 Show Time→
Daphne:I want to apply for a visa to Spain. Where do I get theform for a visa application to fill out?
Clerk:Over there on the counter to your right.
  Daphne fills out the form and hands it to the clerk.(戴芬妮填好表格並遞給辦事員。)
Daphne:How long will it take to get the visa? What is the cost?
Clerk:It usually takes two or three working days, as long asyou have provided all the proper documents. The costis NT$2,000.
Daphne:OK, thank you. Is there anything else I need to give you?
Clerk:Do you have a valid passport? You need a passportwith at least six months of validity left. Otherwise, youwill have to apply for a new one.
Daphne:That’s not a problem—my passport is valid untilDecember 2009. Here it is. I also have two passportphotos as well.
(戴芬妮:那沒問題──我的護照一直到2009 年十二月都有效。在這兒。我也有兩張護照用的大頭照。)
Clerk:What type of visa are you applying for?
Daphne:I would like a single-entry, tourist visa.
Clerk:And how long will you be staying in Spain?
Daphne:My length of stay is five days.
Clerk:Your country of origin is Taiwan?
Daphne:Yes. I also need to buy some travel insurance beforeI go as well. Where can I buy travel insurance aroundhere?
Clerk:There is an agency that sells travel insurance onDunhua North Road. It’s about five minutes from here.
  1. I want to apply for a visa to (country). 我想申請(國家)的簽證。
  2. My (passport/visa) is valid until (date). 我的(護照/簽證)一直到(日期)都有效。
  3. My length of stay is (number) days. 我停留的期間是(數目)天。
  4. Where can I buy travel insurance? 我可以在哪裡買旅遊保險呢?
本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《 搞定出差英文 》   我想購買這本書
抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程 歡迎試聽


要上台做簡報已經讓你焦慮、怯場, 還得克服英語障礙簡直難上加難?!專為忙碌的上班族們量身打造,化繁為簡的商務英文簡報成功策略,讓商務溝通更有效果,職場生涯從此翻紅!
We need to concentrate on the South, tobe more specific, Tainan, Kaohsiung, andPingtung.
  在進行具體且詳細的說明時,可以用 for example, for instance 或是 specifically,particularly 這些詞語來表現。
ex:We will increase our budget, to be more specific, themoney for the welfare of our employees.
ex:We will meet to discuss these issues, to be more specific,the goal of the team and the needs of individuals.
ex:We need to specifically target female consumers.
ex:When we select a new server management company, we particularlyconsider experience in the industry and price.
本單元選錄自:貝塔語言出版上班族週末充電課:簡報英文 》  我想購買這本書
抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程 歡迎試聽







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