搞定出差英文:Discussing the Partnership Details.(討論合夥的細節。)-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁熱門電子報歷期小補丸搞定出差英文:Discussing the Partnership Details.(討論合夥的細節。)
No.973 2020.02.26
Discussing the Partnership Details.


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Daphne:This contract provides you with a minority stake in the business.

Don:Yes, I see, and it gives you a majority holding in the company.

Daphne:Yes, and there’s one other investor who has a 20 percent interest.

Don:We could set up the company as a subsidiary of my company. It might make the process easier.

Daphne:I think I would rather keep it separate. We need to register this new company as its own corporation. The company will be incorporated within two months, if that’s fine with you.

Don:I just want to check a few things. What is the return on investment that you expect for the company? How are you raising capital?

Daphne:Actually that’s all explained in the documents I just gave you. Within three years of opening the business, we expect our average annual ROI to be around 18 to 20 percent. Regarding capital for the company, some of it will come from me and the other investor. Plus we have some venture capital as well.

Don:It sounds good. I’d like to see a copy of the business plan.

Daphne:Of course. I will get it to you as soon as I get back home.

Don:As you probably know, this needs to be approved by our board of directors. The agreement will have to be voted on.

Daphne:Naturally. I understand that the deal still needs to be finalized.

Don:Great. As long as you realize this agreement is contingent on approval from the majority of the board members.

  1. This contract provides (sb.) with a minority stake in (sth.). 這份契約提供(某人)(某事物)的小部分股份。
  2. We need to register (sth.) as a corporation. 我們需要將(某事物)登記為公司行號。
  3. How (are you raising / will you raise) capital? 你要如何(籌措)資金?
  4. (Sth.) will have to be voted on. (某事)得經過投票。
  5. This agreement is contingent on (sth.). 這項協議得視(某事)而定。
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Let me sum up the main points again.

ex:Let me sum up the key points again.

ex:Let me sum up the main issues.

ex:Let me sum up the main points of my presentation.


ex:Here is a summary of the main points.

ex:Let me give you a recap of how we did versus how we projected wewould do.

ex:I’d like to go over that again.

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