王復國理解式文法-文法與修辭篇 XIV?f=1-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
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理解式文法-文法與修辭篇 XIV




所謂「搭配字詞」 (collocation) ,顧名思義指的就是必須相互搭配使用的一些字組。在本書中我們將搭配字詞分成兩類:第一類搭配字詞與文法息息相關,我們稱之為「文法搭配字詞」;第二類則與英文的使用習慣緊緊相繫,我們稱之為「慣用搭配字詞」。我們先看第一類搭配字詞。


「文法搭配字詞」即所謂的「相關字組」 (correlative) 。這一類搭配字詞是英文考試中的常客,但是由於它們用法較固定且數量也相對較少,因此比較容易掌握。為了方便說明,我們將文法搭配字詞分為「功能詞組」與「實詞組」兩小類。

A. 功能搭配字組

使用功能詞搭配字組時最重要的當然就是:相互搭配的字詞必須同時出現,缺一不可。以下我們就以錯誤分析 (error analysis) 的方式,來提醒讀者避免許多常犯(因此也常考)的一些錯誤。請看第一個例子:

a. Both Brazil as well as Argentina are in South America. (誤)

英文有一組「關聯連接詞」是 both... and ,其中的 both 和 and 必須一起出現。雖然 as well as 的意思與 and 很接近,但是 both ... as well as 並不符合搭配字組的要求。故 a. 句應改成:

a'. Both Brazil and Argentina are in South America .


b. He not only has been there and has seen many interesting things too . (誤)

這個句子同樣地意思是到位了,但是「關聯連接詞」的搭配有誤。正確的組合應該是 not only... but also ,故 b. 應改成:

b'. He not only has been there but also has seen many interesting things.


c. Horatio's son is not smart nor stupid. (誤)

以中文的邏輯來看 c. 句的話,這種說法似乎沒什麼不對的,但是此時英文需要的是另一組「關聯連接詞」: neither... nor ,故 c. 句應改成(請注意中譯):

c'. Horatio's son is neither smart nor stupid.


d. He blamed his failure not so much on his lack of effort but rather on his lack of luck.(誤)

這個句子乍看之下似乎也沒有什麼不妥,至少它符合 not...but 這個「關聯連接詞」的形式。但是請注意,與其他所有「關聯連接詞」一樣,以 not... but 連結的兩個項目必須對等平行,可是我們在 d. 句的 not 後面卻看到 so much 這兩個字,在 but 後面也看到令人覺得奇怪的 rather 。如果我們再仔細看一遍 d. 句,應該會發現其實說話者或寫作者想使用的並不是 not ... but 這個對等連接詞組,而是可以用來表示「比較」的 not so much ... as 。換句話說, d. 句應改成:

d'. He blamed his failure not so much on his lack of effort as his lack of luck.


e. If not properly encouraged, low-achievement students are more likely to give up as to try

f. As rice is to the Chinese, similarly is bread to the westerners. (誤)

e. 句的錯誤是,在表「優等」比較的 more 之後不應該接表「同等」比較的連接詞 as ;而 f. 句則錯在誤用副詞 similarly 來取代 (Just) as..., so ... 「正如 ... ,猶如 ... 」中之連接詞 so 。

e. 、 f. 兩句應改成:
  e'. If not properly encouraged, low-achievement students are more likely to give up than to
   try harder.
  f'. As rice is to the Chinese, so is bread to the westerners.


g. I had hardly got to the office then it started to rain. (誤)

h. He had no sooner opened the door then she started to scream. (誤)

g. 、 h. 兩句似乎都使用了否定詞與從屬連接詞搭配用來表「時間」的字組,但是兩句的組合字詞都有誤。

g. 句的正確說法應該是:

g'. I had hardly got to the office when it started to rain.

而 h. 句的正確表達方式應為:

h'. He had no sooner opened the door than she started to scream.


g'. 句相當於:

g''. As soon as I got to the station, it started to rain.

h'. 句則等同於:

h''. As soon as he opened the door, she started to scream.

由於 g'. 句中的 hardly 指「幾乎不」,因此該句的邏輯還算清楚,意即, I had hardly got to 「我幾乎還沒到」表達的應該是:「其實我已經到了,不過差一點來不及」之意。 h'. 句的邏輯就會令人較困擾了。因為就字面的意思而言, no sooner... than 指「不比 ... 快」,也就是說,這個句子的表達的應該是:「他還沒開門,她就開始尖叫」( "He had not opened the door before she started to scream." )。為什麼這樣呢?答案是:修辭。事實上,中文也有類似的表達方式。不知道讀者有沒有注意過,「他好不威風」的意思就是「他好威風」;「我差一點沒氣死」就等於「我差一點氣死」。


i. The city museum is exhibiting paintings by such Impressionist masters like Monet, Renoir,
 and Degas. (誤)

j. I guess he will arrive between 9:30 to 10:30. (誤)
 (我猜想他會在 9:30 至 10:30 之間到。)

k. In 1985 to 1944 she worked as a consultant to our company. (誤)
 ( 1985 年至 1994 年間她擔任我們公司的顧問。)

i. 句錯誤在於不該將介系詞 like 與 such 連用,而應改用 as :

i'. The city museum is exhibiting painting by such Impressionist masters as Monet, Renoir,
 and Degas.

j. 、 k. 兩句則誤用了相關介系詞組。正確的組合為 between... and 和 from... to :

j'. I guess he will arrive between 9:30 and 10:30.

k'. From 1985 to 1944 she worked as a consultant to our company.

注意,這兩個介系詞組常可互換,例如 k'. 可改成 k''. :

k''. Between 1985 and 1944 she worked as a consultant to our company.


l. The two partners decided to part company because they found that each of them could not
 trust the other . (誤)

本句中用 each of them could not trust the other 來表達雙方無法互信並不妥當, l. 句應改成:

l'. The two partners decided to part company because they found that they could not trust
 each other .

注意,若為三者以上間之「互相」,則應用 one another 表示。例如:

m. The three / four / five partners distrust one another .

B. 實詞搭配字組


n. What makes your product different than the ones we see on the market? (誤)

different than 是一些美國人的口語用法,正式且較正確的用法是 different from :

n'. What makes your product different from the ones we see on the market?


o. I don't believe she is capable to do such a cruel thing. (誤)

顯然說話者或寫作者將 be able to 和 be capable of 混淆了,此句應改成:

o'. I don't believe she is capable of doing such a cruel thing.


p. Lady Gaga is known for a creative singer. (誤)

know for (或 famous for )是指「以 ... 而聞名」, known as (或 famous as )則指「以 ... 為人所知」。故 p. 句應改:

p'. Lady Gaga is known as a creative singer.

另外,也有 known to be 的用法,例如 p'. 句也可以說成:

p''. Lady Gaga is known to be a creative singer.


q. All scheduled flights are subject of change if the weather turns from bad to worse (誤)

be subject to 「受制於 ... 」為固定用法,不可任意更改。 q. 句應改成:

q'. All scheduled flights are subject to change if the weather turns from bad to worse.

注意,此用法的 to 為介系詞, q''. 為錯誤:

q''. All scheduled flights are subject to be changed if the weather turns from bad to
  worse. (誤)


r. The heavy snow prevented / discouraged people to go out. (誤)

「阻止人不去做 ... 」英文可用 prevent / discourage people from doing... 來表達。

r. 句錯用了不定詞 to go ,應改成:

r'. The heavy snow prevented / discouraged people from going out.

下列中動詞 distinguish 或 differentiate 的用法特別值得注意,因為這是許多英文測驗中的必考題。

s. Can you distinguish / differentiate an ape and a monkey? (誤)

要表達「辨別;區分」可用 distinguish / differentiate between A and B 或是 distinguish / differentiate A from B 。這個句子明顯地將這兩種用法「混淆」了,這是不允許的,應改成:

s'. Can you distinguish / differentiate between an ape and a monkey?


s''. Can you distinguish / differentiate an ape from a monkey?

接下來我們來看 consider 和 regard 這兩個動詞的用法。我們先看 t. 句:

t. Everyone considers Ella as their best friend. (誤)

許多人把 consider 和 regard 混為一談。的確,它們的意思非常接近,但是用法卻不同。 consider 當「認為;視為」時一般作不完全及物動詞用,也就是,在其受詞後直接接受詞補語,而不須加介系詞 as :

t'. Everyone considers Ella their best friend.

不過,也有人在受詞補語前加上 to be :

t''. Everyone considers Ella to be their best friend.

真正需要與 as 連用的是 regard :

u. Everyone regard Ella as their best friend.

最後,我們來看三個難度稍高一些的動詞。我們先看 substitute 的用法,下面的句子為誤:

v. Lemon juice is sometimes substituted as vinegar in cooking. (誤)

substitute 有兩種用法: substitute A for B 或 substitute B with A 「以 A 代替 B 」。因此, v. 句應該改成 v'. 或 v''. :

v'. Lemon juice is sometimes substituted for vinegar in cooking.

v''. Vinegar is sometimes substituted with lemon juice in cooking.

〔請特別注意兩句中 lemon juice 和 vinegar 的位置。〕

接下來請看 attribute 的用法。 w. 句為錯誤:

w. Smoking is often attributed as the cause of many diseases. (誤)

attribute 的正確用法是: attribute A to B 「將 A 歸因於 B 」,故 w. 應改成:

w'. Many diseases are often attributed to smoking.

我們要討論的最後一個動詞是 estimate 。下面句子中 estimate 的用法是錯的:

x. The bronze article excavated yesterday is estimated at 5,000 years old.

estimate 有兩個用法: estimate sth. at 或 estimate sth. to be 「估計某物為 ... 」。乍看這個句子似乎符合第一種用法,但是如果我們仔細分析,就會發現其實不然。請注意, at 為介系詞,其後應接名詞結構作為其受詞,但是 x. 句中在 at 之後出現的 5,000 years old 並非名詞,而是一個形容詞片語。因此,應將 x. 句改成:

x'. The bronze article excavated yesterday is estimated to be 5,000 years old.

下面這個句子裡的 at 則為正確用法:

y. The total cost of the new project is estimated at $15,000,000.


曾有學生問筆者為什麼 "do the dish" 「洗碗盤」要用 do , "make the bed" 「鋪床」要用 make , "pay a visit" 要用 pay 。筆者於是反問他為什麼「吹冷氣」要用「吹」、「開車子」為什麼要用「開」、「曬太陽」為什麼要用「曬」。他想了一會兒,然後回答說:「這是中文的習慣說法。」沒錯,語言裡有許多東西是無法用「文法」來規範的。中文有中文的「慣用語」,英文有英文的 "idiom" 。有些慣用語可以考證,找出其出處,有些則無法這麼做。學習慣用語就像學習單字一樣,需要一個一個地記起來。在本節中我們要介紹的是與最常見的幾個動詞搭配使用的慣用語。這些動詞包括 do 、 make 、 take 、 have 、 give 、 keep 。我們將直接列出這些慣用語,而不再使用例句。

A. 與 do 有關的搭配詞語

  • do damage 「造成損壞」
  • do drugs 「吸食毒品」
  • do harm 「造成傷害」
  • do one (no) good 「對人有(無)好處」
  • do one justice 「公正評價一個人」
  • do one's duty 「盡責」
  • do one's hair 「梳頭」
  • do sb. a favor 「幫某人一個忙」
  • do the laundry 「洗衣服」
  • do time 「坐牢」

B. 與 make 有關的搭配詞語

  • make a choice 「做出選擇」
  • make a deal 「達成協議」
  • make a decision 「做出決定」
  • make a fortune 「賺大錢」
  • make a reservation 「預定」
  • make an appointment 「約定見面」
  • make an attempt 「試圖」
  • make an effort 「努力」
  • make fun of 「嘲弄」
  • make progress 「有進展」
  • make room 「騰出空間」
  • make sense 「有道理」
  • make trouble 「製造麻煩」
  • make use of 「利用」

C. 與 take 有關的搭配詞語

  • take a break 「休息一會兒」
  • take a look 「瞧一眼」
  • take a picture 「照相」
  • take a rest 「休息」
  • take a walk 「散步」
  • take an interest in sth. 「對某事有興趣」
  • take notes 「記筆記」
  • take pity on sb. 「同情某人」

D. 與 have 有關的搭配詞語

  • have a baby 「生小孩」
  • have a good time 「玩得愉快」
  • have a look 「看一眼」
  • have a nice day 「祝(你)有愉快的一天」
  • have fun 「玩得開心」
  • have it one's way 「隨某人之意」

E. 與 give 有關的搭配詞語

  • give an explanation 「做說明」
  • give it a go / try / shot 「試一試」
  • (Don't) give me that 「(別)跟我來這一套」
  • give permission 「准予」
  • give sb. a hand 「幫某人忙」
  • (I'll) give you that 「這一點(我)同意」

F. 與 keep 有關的搭配詞語

  • keep a diary / journal 「寫日記/日誌」
  • keep an eye on 「留意」
  • keep it up 「保持下去」
  • keep one's promise 「信守承諾」
  • keep one's word 「說話算話」


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