
理解式文法-文法與修辭篇 XVI






所謂的冗語 (pleonasm) 簡單地講就是,在句子中使用了比實際上真正需要的字還多的字來表達。以下面幾個句子來看,雖然它們都表達了同樣的意思,但是只有 e. 句達到「言簡意賅」的要求:

a. He was sick, and that was why he could not come to the meeting.

b. He was sick; therefore, he could not come to the meeting.

c. He was sick, so he could not come to the meeting.

d. Because he was sick, he could not come to the meeting.

e. Being sick, he could not come to the meeting.


在以上各句中, He was sick 和 he could not come to the meeting 之間的「因果」關係其實相當清楚,因此除非有必要(比如要特別強調),否則並不需要「勞師動眾」地請出那些表示因果關係的字眼,如 a. 句中的 why 、 b. 句中的 therefore 、 c. 句中的 so 、 d. 句中的 because 。另外, a. ~ d. 句中都重覆了相同的主詞 he 。從修辭的角度來看,能夠「直搗黃龍」的 e. 句因此為最佳選擇。

一般而言,最能夠讓句子顯得「短小精悍」 (compact) 的方式就是將子句簡化成片語的形式。以下我們就來看一下各類子句,在不影響句意的前提下,可以如何減化。

A. 名詞子句


f. I really don't know what I should do .

f'. I really don't know what to do .(我真的不知道該怎麼辦。)

g. We had no idea at all where we could find a good restaurant in such a big city .

g'. We had no idea at all where to find a good restaurant in such a big city .


h. The students were protesting that one of their classmates was expelled from school .

h'. The students were protesting the expelling of one of their classmates from school .

i. Mr. Murdock is facing the charge that he murdered his wife .

i'. Mr. Murdock is facing the charge of murdering his wife .
 ( 莫達克 先生正面臨謀殺他太太的指控。)

B. 形容詞子句

形容詞子句最常被減化成分詞的形式。例如 j. 句即可減化成 j'. :

j. Do you see the girl who is wearing a huge hat over there?

j'. Do you see the girl wearing a huge hat over there?

而下面 k. 句也可以改成 k' :

k. The mug which was broken into pieces was a gift from my ex-girlfriend.

k'. The mug broken into pieces was a gift from my ex-girlfriend.

形容詞子句也可以減化成不定詞的形式。例如下面的 l. 句可減化成 l'. :

l. Neil Armstrong was the first human that set foot on the moon .

l'. Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon .

m. 句則可減化成 m'. :

m. The last thing on the agenda that needs to be discussed is the hiring of Mr. Levis as our
  new CFO.
  (CFO = Chief Financial Officer)

m'. The last thing on the agenda to be discussed is the hiring of Mr. Levis as our new CFO.
  (議程上最後一項需要討論的事情是,聘請 李維士 先生擔任我們的新財務長。)

C. 副詞子句


n. After he had worked for five hours straight , he was more than happy to take a break.

n'. Having worked for five hours straight , he was more than happy to take a break.

o. 句則可減化成 o'. :

o. Since he found no one was paying attention to him , Mel decided to sneak out.
o'. Finding no one was paying attention to him , Mel decided to sneak out.


p. I turned down the volume on the stereo in order that I could hear what he said .

p'. I turned down the volume on the stereo in order to hear what he said .

q. Ray was so angry that he punched me in the face .

q'. Ray was so angry as to punch me in the face .

注意,有些副詞子句可減化成介系詞片語。例如 r. 句即可減化成 r'. :

r. Because she was sloppy , the teacher asked Carol to rewrite her paper.
r'. Because of her sloppiness , the teacher asked Carol to rewrite her paper.

s. 句亦可減化成 s'. :

s. As soon as I heard the news , I gave him a call.
s'. Upon / On hearing the news , I gave him a call.

在以上討論中,所有列出的原始句( f. ~ s. 句)皆較為冗長,句型也較複雜(全部為複雜句 [complex sentence] )。相形之下,所有經過減化的句子( f'. ~ s'. 句)皆較為簡潔,句型也都變成了簡單句(只剩一個子句)。在無特殊理由的情況下,建議讀者盡量使用減化的句子,以提升修辭的層次。接下來,我們要討論的是贅詞的問題。


「贅詞」 (redundancy) 最簡單的定義就是:累贅之字詞。許多人在寫作時經常「畫蛇添足」而不自知。請觀察下面這個句子:

t. Some people say that oil price will continue to rise up. (誤)

這個句子看似無辜,但是卻犯了使用「累贅之字詞」的毛病。須知, rise 這個字本來就有「上」升的意思,因此說 rise up 就等於是說「上升上」。這不是有點好笑嗎?同樣地,在 u. 句中的 down 也屬多此一舉:

u. The number of the people who are buying gold is decreasing down recently. (誤)

decrease 本身的意思就是「下」降,所以不需要再加 down 。筆者發現本國人似乎特別容易犯這類的錯誤。原因不外乎:把使用中文時的一些習慣帶到英文裡來。相信所有的讀者都用過(至少聽過或看過)像「持續不斷」、「彼此互相」、「人為縱火」等這一類看似四平八穩的語詞。但是讀者可曾發現這些話語中其實都有「贅詞」:「持續」就是「不斷」,「彼此」即「互相」,「縱火」一定是「人為」。中文裡其實還有一種更奇特的習慣,那就是將某些字或詞重疊起來用:「開開玩笑」、「動動腦筋」、「快快樂樂」、「跌跌撞撞」、「比劃比劃」、「遛達遛達」等等,不一而足。顯然「贅詞」這個詞的定義,在中文裡和英文裡有很大的不同。不過再怎麼說,當中文老師聽到「他是家中唯一的獨子。」這類話語時,應該都會從椅子上跳起來吧。玩笑擺一邊,那讀者覺得「非常完美」、「騙人的謊言」這類組合如何?請看下列這兩個例子:

v. She gave a very perfect performance. (誤)

w. That was a cheating lie. (誤)

v. 句的 very 和 w. 句中的 cheating 都是多餘的。


a stupid fool 「一個笨蛋」( stupid 為贅詞)

absolutely and positively 「絕對地;肯定地」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

advance forward 「前進」( forward 為贅詞)
and etc. 「等等」( etc. = and so on ; and 為贅詞)

common and ordinary 「普通的」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

easily and readily 「容易地」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

frank and honest 「坦率;誠實」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

happy and glad 「快樂」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

help and assist 「幫忙;協助」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

male actors 「男演員」( male 為贅詞)

may perhaps 「可能會」( perhaps 為贅詞)

new innovation 「創新」( new 為贅詞)

old antiques 「古董」( old 為贅詞)

poisonous and toxic 「有毒的」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

pretty and beautiful 「漂亮;美麗」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

quickly and fast 「迅速」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

red in color 「紅色的」( in color 為贅詞)

repeat again 「重覆」( again 為贅詞)

return back 「回來」( back 為贅詞)

sufficient enough 「足夠」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

terrible and awful 「糟糕地」(二字意思重疊,擇一即可)

very extremely 「極端地」( very 為贅詞)

very unique 「獨一無二的」( very 為贅詞)

wise intelligence 「才智」( wise 為贅詞)

更多內容,請參閱「王復國理解式文法 - 文法與修辭篇 」,貝塔語言出版

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