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Emily Dickinson



As a writer of poetry, Emily Dickinson was unknown in the 19 th century. She lived a lonely, secluded life in her father's house in Amherst , Massachusetts . She never married and she isolated herself   1   the world.   2   , she found ample joy in writing poetry--delicate four-line stanzas in a contemplative tone, reminding one of the Protestant hymns. She wrote poems on discarded envelopes, grocery wrappings, or   3   scraps of paper that happened to be handy, and she never had her poetry published. Like many great artists, she was "discovered" after death, in her case   4   the twentieth century. That discovery is in a sense appropriate,   5   her poetry was definitely ahead of her time.

1. (A) to (B) in (C) from (D) with

2. (A) Therefore (B) However (C) Otherwise (D) Besides

3. (A) which (B) whereas (C) what (D) whatever

4. (A) until (B) till (C) only till (D) not until

5. (A) for (B) but (C) and (D) so


1. 本題考正確的介系詞。在 isolate oneself 之後應用介系詞 from , 正確答案為 (C) 。而所謂 isolate oneself from the world 指的是「隱遁」,也就是「將自己與世界隔離」之意。

2. 前一句提到 Emily Dickinson 從未結婚,還將自己「與世隔絕」,而本句則說她從寫詩中找到許多樂趣 (She found ample joy in writing poetry) ,因此在兩者間最佳的「起承轉合」應該是能表達「相對」、「相反」之邏輯的 (B) However 。選項 (A) Therefore ( 因此 ) 、 (C) Otherwise ( 否則 ) 、 (D) Besides ( 此外 ) 的邏輯都沒有 However 來得通順、自然。 [ 注意,本題四個選項皆屬『連接副詞』 (conjunctive adverb) 。

3. 本題空格後為名詞片語 scraps of paper( 碎紙片 ) ,因此 空格中應填入的應該是用來修飾名詞 ( 片語 ) 的形容詞。 (B) whereas ( 然而 ) 為連接詞可先排除。 (A) which 與 (C) what 雖可作形容詞,但皆屬「疑問」形容詞,因此皆不適用於此句。本題正確答案為 (D) whatever ,而 whatever 在此句表達的是「不論什麼樣的」之意。

4. 本句話要表達的是:就像許多偉大的藝術家一樣,她 (Emily Dickinson) 是在死後才被「發現」 (”discovered”) ,而且是「一直到」二十世紀才被發現。注意,雖然 (A) until 和 (B) till 皆譯成「 一直到 」,但本句真正的意思並非「她到二十世紀一直被發現」,而是「到二十世紀之前她一直『沒』被發現」 ( she was "not" discovered until the twentieth century) ,因此正確答案應選 (D) not until 。

5. 本句包含兩個子句。第一個子句是說「她的被發現 ( 雖然晚了些 ) 在某種意義上是適切的 (in a sense appropriate) 」,而第二句子句表達的則是「她的詩肯定是領先她的時代的」 (her poetry was definitely ahead of her time) 。兩個子句間的最佳「橋樑」應該是具表達「原因」之功能的 (A) for 。 [ 注意, for 與 because 皆用來表「原因」,但兩者文法功用不同: for( 與本題其他選項相同 ) 為「對等」連接詞, because 則屬「從屬」連接詞。


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