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Colonial America: Tax



The American colonists at first had to pay various taxes to the British government. However, by1770, the British Prime Minister Lord North   1   most taxes on the colonists. Britain 's King George III,   2  , insisted on retaining the tax on tea imported to the colonies. He saw this tax as symbolic of Britain 's right to tax the colonies, and   3   of British sovereignty in America . On the American side, however, public sentiment was: no taxation without representation. The colonists considered   4   highly unfair that they should be made to pay taxes to the British government while they had no right to send their representatives to Parliament. The 3-pence-a-pound tea tax itself, meanwhile, did not generate much   5   for the British treasury, nor did it cost much to the colonists. Over 90% of the tea entering the colonies was smuggled in and therefore tax-exempt.

(A) abolished
(B) had abolished
(C) was abolished
(D) had been abolished

(A) besides
(B) furthermore
(C) likewise
(D) nevertheless

(A) hence
(B) so
(C) but
(D) otherwise

(A) that
(B) it
(C) they
(D) themselves

(A) expenditure
(B) monopoly
(C) revenue
(D) commission


1. 由句中表時間的副詞片語 by 1770( 到 1770 年的時候 ) 可知,本句動詞應使用「過去完成式」 ( 表過去的過去 ) 。選項 (B) had abolished 和選項 (D) had been abolished 皆屬「過去完成式」,但因本句主詞 the British Prime Minister Lord North 為「人」, 亦即為「主事者」,故動詞應使用「主動式」的 (B) ,而非「被動式」的 (D) 。

2. 前後文表達的是「『雖然』英國首相廢除了大多數的稅 (had abolished most taxes) ,『但是』國王喬治三世仍堅持維持課徵茶葉稅 ( insisted on retaining the tax on tea ) ,而四個選項中只有 (D) nevertheless 才能表達「雖然 … 但是 … 」這樣的「起承轉合」。 (A) besides 指「此外」、 (B) furthermore 指「再者」、 (C) likewise 指「同樣地」,皆與文意不符。注意,本題四個選項皆屬「連接副詞」。

3. 本句表達的是「英國國王認為保留此稅可象徵英國有權對殖民地課稅 ( symbolic of Britain's right to tax the colonies ) ,也『因此』可象徵英國對美國擁有統治權 (sovereignty) 」,四個選項中只有 (A) hence 能夠正確表達本句中「因此」的概念。選項 (B) so ( 所以 ) 雖然在邏輯意義上與「因此」相去不遠,但是本句中需要的是「連接副詞」而非「連接詞」,故不可選。選項 (C) but ( 但是 ) 與 so 同,皆為連接詞,而意思卻不通,故更不可選。選項 (D) otherwise ( 否則 ) 雖為「連接副詞」,但意思不對,因此不選。

4. 本題考代名詞的正確使用。本句的主要動詞 considered 為「及物但不完全」的用法,也就是,除了受詞之外,還需要「受詞補語」,而在本句中 considered 的受詞為 that they should be made to pay taxes to the British government while they had no right to send their representatives to Parliament ( 他們竟然被強迫繳稅給英國政府但是卻沒有權利派代表參加國會 ) ,其補語則為 highly unfair ( 極度不公平 ) 。須注意的是,由於受詞太長因此被移至句尾,而在原受詞的位置則必須使用「假受詞」,而在英文中「假受詞」與「假主詞」相同,都須使用代名詞 it 。 本題正確答案為 (B) 。

. 本題考單字。依句意來判斷, 一磅 三便土的茶葉稅本身 ( The 3-pence-a-pound tea tax itself ) 對於英國的國庫 ( British treasury ) 而言應該無法產生太多的「稅收」。正確答案為 (C) revenue 。選項 (A) expenditure ( 支出 ) 、 (B) monopoly ( 壟斷 ) 、 (D) commission ( 佣金 ) 明顯皆與題意不符。


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