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Philosophy is half theology, half science, but it is neither of these. It is like theology   1   it deals with speculations on matters for which definite knowledge cannot be obtained. The question "What is the noblest way of life for man?"   2   , is essentially unanswerable. Theology, building on tradition and authority, points to a way of life and asserts, "This is it!" If one accepts the theological answer, all very well. Most modern minds,   3   , find it difficult to accept on faith the answers of religion. These people may turn to philosophy. On the other hand, philosophy parts ways with theology and comes close to science,   4   it appeals to human reason rather than to religious authority. Between theology and science, however, there is a No Man's Land,   5   attack from both sides; this No Man's Land is philosophy.


1. (A) in that (B) in which (C) what (D) how

2. (A) at length (B) for example (C) in turn (D) on purpose.

3. (A) therefore (B) meanwhile (C) however (D) otherwise

4. (A) for (B) but (C) while (D) if

5. (A) disposed of (B) exposed to (C) imposed on (D) opposed to


1. 本題考正確之連接詞。由於空格後為一完整子句 "it deals with speculations on matters for which definite knowledge cannot be obtained" 「它(哲學)所探討的是無法取得明確答案的一些事物」。也就是說,空格中應填入一「純」連接詞,因此帶有介系詞的連接詞選項 (B) in which 不可選,而帶有疑問意涵的 (C) what ( 什麼 ) 與 (D) how ( 如何 ) 亦不可選。本題正確答案為 (A) in that。注意, in that 為一片語連接詞,其主要功能是用來引導一具「說明」作用的子句,而在本句中它所引導的子句用來說明這句的主要子句 "It is like theology."(哲學就像神學)。另外要注意的是,雖然 in that 常可譯為「因為 」,但是它並不等於用來引導「原因」子句的 because。

2. 本句的重點是:”What is the noblest way of life for man?” ( 人類最崇高的生活方式為 何? ) 這個問題是個無法回答 的,換言之,這就是前一句中提到的「無法取得明確答案」的 matters 之一,也就是說,本句中提到的問題是作者的「舉例說明 」。因此,正確的選項應為 (B) for example 。 選項 (A) at length 指「最後;終於」、 (C) in turn 指「依次」、 (D) on purpose 指「故意地」明顯皆與題意不符。

3. 前一句提到 "If one accepts the theological answer, all very well."(如果一個人接受神學上的答案, 那一切就沒問題),而本句的重點則在於「大多數的現代人 find it difficult to accept on faith the answers of religion.( 覺得很難絕對接受宗教所給予的答案 ) , 二者間最合理的「起承轉合」應該是選項 (C) however (然而;不過)。【注意, however 為連接副詞, 因此可不必置於句首。】選項 (A) therefore ( 因此 ) 、 (B) meanwhile ( 同時 ) , (D) otherwise ( 否則 ) 皆不符前後文意。

4. 本題空格前為一完整子句,空格後亦為一完整子句,很明顯地空格中應填入一連接詞。前一句提到 "philosophy parts ways with theology and comes close to science" (哲學與神學脫鉤而接近科學),後一句則說 "it appeals to human reason rather than to religious authority" 「它 ( 哲學 ) 訴諸於人類的理性而非宗教的權威」。很明顯地後一句話被用來解釋前一句話, 因此, 二者間最佳的連結應該是 (A) for(因為)。【 請注意,在此 for 為「對等」連接詞, 雖亦譯為「因為」但並不等同於屬「從屬」連接詞的 because。】 選項 (B) but(但是)、(C) while(當 … 的時候)、(D) if(假如)皆與前後文意不符。

5. 由整段文意來判斷,本句所要表達的應該 是:介於神學與科學間的哲學這塊「無人之境」 (No Man's Land) 很容易「遭受」來自兩面的攻擊 (attack from both sides)。正確答案為 (B) exposed to。選項 (A) disposed of 指「被處理」、(C) imposed on 指「被加諸於 」、(D) opposed to 指「反對」皆不符題意。


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