王復國理解式文法-文法與修辭篇 II-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁登峰英文寫作報專區王復國理解式文法-文法與修辭篇 II

理解式文法-文法與修辭篇 II







a. Jack is a taxi driver but very happy. (誤)

相信讀者都看得出來這個句子怪怪的。但是問題出在哪裡呢?如果稍加觀察不難發現 a. 句之所以怪,是因為對等連接詞 but 所連接的 taxi driver 和 very happy 無法搭配 -- 前者為複合名詞,後者則為形容詞片語。這點就違反了平行對稱 (parallelism) 的原則。我們再看一個例子:

b. I like to eat, sleep, and reading. (誤)

這個句子同樣不順暢,因為用對等連接詞 and 連接的 eat 、 sleep 和 reading 並不「平行」。如果要讓 a. 和 b. 成為可接受的句子,我們就必須做些調整,例如

把 a. 改成:
a1. Jack is a taxi driver but he is very happy .

把 b. 改成:
b1. I like to eat , sleep , and read .

a1. 的 but 連接的是兩個對等的子句 Jack is a taxi driver 和 he is very happy ; b1. 的 and 則連接三個對等的動詞 eat 、 sleep 和 read 。也就是說 a1. 句和 b1. 句中畫底線的部分即形成了所謂的「平行結構」。


A. 形式對稱

形式對稱指的是文法結構上的對等。在一個句子中只要出現對等連接詞(如: and 、 or 、 but 等),其所連結的項目,不論是單字、片語或子句,都必須平行對稱。例如:

c. She is tall, beautiful, and with elegance . (誤)

d. People usually go to work by bus, by train, or they drive . (誤)

e. I know who you are, where you live, and your telephone number . (誤)

c. 句中的 with elegance 為片語形式,與前面的兩個形容詞 tall 和 beautiful 不能搭配; d. 句中的 they drive 為一子句,與前面的兩個片語 by bus 和 by train 形式不符;e. 句中的 your telephone number 為名詞片語,和前面的兩個名詞子句 who you are 和 where you live 有衝突。

c. 句應改成:
c1. She is tall, beautiful, and elegant .

d. 句應改成:
d1. People usually go to work by bus, by train, or by car .

e. 句應改成:
e1. I know who you are, where you live, and what your telephone number is .

注意,形式對稱也包括詞類之對稱。例如前面提到的 b. 句之所以有誤,就是因為其中的動名詞 reading 與其前不定詞形式的 to eat 、 (to) sleep 不相符。在下面這個句子中也出現了詞類不對稱的情況:

f. This train is safe, comfortable but slowly . (誤)

本句在 safe 和 comfortable 這兩個形容詞之後,很突兀地出現了一個副詞 slowly ,因而違反了平行原則。

f. 句應改成:
f1. This train is safe, comfortable but slow .


g. The Harry Potter movies are interesting, exciting, and appeal to everyone.

g. 句中的動詞 appeal 明顯與前面的形容詞 interesting 和 exciting 有衝突,應改成形容詞形式:
g1. The Harry Potter movies are interesting, exciting, and appealing to everyone.

B. 內容對稱



h. Inflation can affect the people, the government, and the economics of the country. (誤)
(通貨膨脹會影響一個國家的人民、政府與其經濟。) 乍看之下, h. 句似乎四平八穩,但是稍加留意就不難發現,這個句子的用字出了問題。的確,句中的三個名詞結構 the people 、 the government 和 the economics 完全符合平行原則,但是 economics 的意思為「經濟學」,顯然不能與其他兩個名詞搭配。正確的用字應為 economy :
h1. Inflation can affect the people, the government, and the economy of the country.


i. The problems raised in the meeting include the shortage of natural resources and the manpower lacking in the industry. (誤)

在 i. 句中動詞 includes 看似有完整且對等的兩個受詞 -- 名詞片語 the shortage of natural resources 和 the manpower lacking in the industry 。但是如果仔細觀察,我們會發現第二個受詞在語意上是有問題的。注意,本句的主詞為 (The) problems ,而 (the) shortage 當然是一個 problem ,但是 (the) manpower 並非 problem ,二者實際上並不「平行」。我們可以把 i 句改成:
i1. The problems raised in the meeting include the shortage of natural resources and the lack of manpower in the industry .

如此一來,兩個受詞 the shortage of natural resources 和 the lack of manpower in the industry 不但結構更對稱,而且語意相仿( shortage 和 lack 皆為 problems ),二者皆可與主詞呼應。


j. Many scientists predict that the next Ice Age is coming very soon, but that many others have predicted otherwise. (誤)

表面上看來,這個句子的結構似乎符合平行對稱的原則 -- 對等連接詞 but 連接前後兩個對等的名詞子句 that the next Ice Age is coming very soon 和 that many others have predicted otherwise 。但是如果我們仔細看一下這兩個子句所表達的內容,就會發現這只是形式上達到的對稱,在語意上是不通的。按照原句,「正確」的翻譯應該是:「許多科學家預測下一個冰河期很快就會到來。但是他們也預測許多科學家所預測的並非如此。」本句若不加以調整,即可能傳達這樣怪異的訊息給讀者。

j. 句的問題出在寫者畫蛇添足地在 but 之後加了一個 that ,讓人誤以為由 that 引導的名詞子句也是前半句之主要動詞 predict 的受詞。如果把 that 拿掉,讓前半句和後半句各自獨立,這個句子就通了:
j1. Many scientists predict that the next Ice Age is coming very soon, but many others have predicted otherwise .



關聯連接詞有: both... and 、 either... or 、 neither... nor 、 not only... but also 以及 not... but 等。由這些相關字組所連接的項目必須平行對等,否則即為錯誤用法。

k. I did that both to fulfill my dream and make a profit . (誤)

l. You can either call us or you can email us . (誤)

m. Neither his wealth nor position can satisfy him. (誤)

n. Not only did I pay for the dinner , but also drove her home . (誤)

o. I didn't go not because of you but because the weather . (誤)

在 k. 句中 both 之後為不定詞結構 to fulfill my dream , and 之後卻只有動詞部分 make a profit ,二者不對等。 k. 句應改成:
k1. I did that both to fulfill my dream and to make a profit .

在 l. 句中 either 後只有動詞和受詞 call us ,但是 or 之後卻出現了完整句子(子句) you can email us ,故 l. 應改成:
l1. You can either call us or email us .

在 m. 句中 neither 之後為代名詞所有格加名詞 his wealth ,但是 nor 之後只有名詞 position ,明顯不對稱,後者應加上 his :
m1. Neither his wealth nor his position can satisfy him.

在 n. 句中 not only 引導的是一個子句 Not only did I pay for the dinner (注意,主詞與動詞必須倒裝), but also 之後卻是沒有主詞的結構 drove her home ,因此整句應改成:
n1. Not only did I pay for the dinner, but I also drove her home .

最後,在 o. 句中 not 之後為片語介系詞 because of 加上其受詞 you ,但是 but 之後卻只有 because 加上名詞 the weather (注意, because 實為從屬連接詞,應用來引導表原因、理由的從屬子句),故 o. 句應改成:
o1. I didn't go not because of you but because of the weather .




p. The area of New Taipei City is larger than Taipei City . (誤)

q. We care not so much about how it is done as when . (誤)

r. Compared to his office , my is rather small. (誤)

s. The shoes in this store are very different from the other store . (誤)

t. Like John , the school kicked out George. (誤)

p. 句的錯誤在於拿 Taipei City 這個「城市」與 The area of New Taipei City 新北市的「面積」相比。 p. 句應改成:
p1. The area of New Taipei City is larger than that (= the area) of Taipei City .

q. 句錯在從屬連接詞 when 之後不當省略了主詞和動詞,也就是說,光是 when 並不能與 how it is done 相較,故 q. 句應改成:
q1. We care not so much about how it is done as when it is done .

r. 句的 my 為代名詞所有格,不能當名詞用,因此也無法跟前面的 his office 做比較,應改為所有代名詞 mine :
r1. Compared to his office, mine (= my office) is rather small.

s. 句拿鞋店 (the other store) 和鞋子 (The shoes) 相比也是錯誤,本句應改成:
s1. The shoes in this store are very different from the ones (= the shoes) in the other store .

t. 句中的 the school 和 John 被拿來相提並論,顯得非常荒謬,必須修改成:
t1. Like John, George was kicked out by the school.



由修辭的角度來看,經由省略 (ellipsis) 而讓一個句子變得較為精簡原是一件好事,但是如果因此而造成錯誤或語意不清就得不償失了。下面幾個例子就是犯了不當省略的錯誤:

u. I have and will continue to support the local team. (誤)

v. The thief was careless and caught by the police. (誤)

w. Toni already showed a strong interest and a great talent for writing when she was only ten. (誤)

x. I saw a man and woman enter the shop. (誤)

y. If you come late in the morning or you leave early in the afternoon , they will cut your pay. (誤)

z. This report indicates that the inflation rate has fallen, the average income has increased , and that people are now more willing to spend their money . (誤)

u. 句的錯誤是不當省略掉第一動詞(現在完成式)的過去分詞,使得整句話的意思不清楚,應改成:
u1. I have supported and will continue to support the local team.

v. 句的錯誤在於不當省略掉第二個 be 動詞 was 。雖然同樣為 be 動詞,但是第一個 was 是主動詞(連綴動詞),而第二個 was 為助動詞(幫助其後的 caught 形成被動式),因功能與第一個不同,故不可省略。 v. 句應改為:
v1. The thief was careless and was caught by the police.

w. 句中則不當地省略了一個介系詞。在 interest 之後應用介系詞 in ,與 talent 之後接的 for 不同,不可任意省略:
w1. Toni already showed a strong interest in and a great talent for writing when she was only ten.

x. 句中 woman 之前的不定冠詞 a 不可省略,否則會變成「一個男女人」,不知所云。故 x. 句應改成:
x1. I saw a man and a woman enter the shop.

在 y. 句中出現了兩個不對稱的從屬子句,因為在對等連接詞 or 之後應有的從屬連接詞 if 被省略掉了,應將之還原:
y1. If you come late in the morning or if you leave early in the afternoon, they will cut your pay.

z. 句之所以錯誤是因為從前後文看來, indicates 應該有三個對等的受詞子句,但是用來引導第二個受詞子句的從屬連接詞 that 卻被省略掉了。故 z. 句應改成:
z1. This report indicates that the inflation rate has fallen, that the average income has increased, and that people now are more willing to spend their money.

更多內容,請參閱「王復國理解式文法 - 文法與修辭篇 」,貝塔語言出版


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