王復國老師英文閱讀OK Bar-Human Hearing-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
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Human Hearing



Human hearing, like other human senses, has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years.   1   the exception of vision, hearing is the most acutely developed of our sense. Because our ancestors were hunters,   2   prey for carnivorous predators, a highly refined sense of hearing was indeed often rewarded. Hearing   3   in the ear, a special sense organ that is also concerned with balance. It is divided into the outer ear, extending from the tympanic membrane or ear drum to the pinna, the middle ear embodied in the skull bones,   4   the cochlea and labyrinth, and the inner ear, containing small bones or ossicles. The ear drum, which is the most important structure in the ear, has a very   5   membrane, and it can be easily punctured.

1. (A) At (B) With (C) In (D) On

2. (A) as far as (B) as well as (C) as soon as (D) as long as

3. (A) takes part (B) takes effect (C) takes hold (D) takes place

4. (A) consisted of (B) consisted (C) consisting of (D) consisting

5. (A) delicate (B) excellent (C) sturdy (D) intricate


1. 本題考正確之介系詞用法。”With the exception of” 指「除了 … 之外」,選項 (B) 為正確答案。其他選項皆不適合與 the exception of 連用。整句話的意思是:除了視覺之外,聽覺是人類最發達的感官。

2. 本題考正確慣用片語的用法。依句意「因為我們的老祖先除了是獵人之外,『也』是肉食性掠食動物的獵物,因此高度精確的聽覺能力的確非常有益」,而能用來表達「 ( 除了 … 之外 ) 也、還」之意的片語為 (B) as well as 。 選項 (A) as far as 指「就 … 而言」、 (C) as soon as 指「一 … 就 … 」、 (D) as long as 指「只要」皆與上下文不符。

3. 本題考正確動詞片語用法。選項 (A) takes part 加上介系詞 in 指「參加」、 (B) takes effect 指「生效」、 (C) takes hold 加介系詞 of 指「抓住」、 (D) takes place 指「發生」。最適合填入空格中的選項明顯為 (D) 。整句話表達的是:聽覺發生在耳內,而耳朵也是個與平衡有關的器官。

4. 由四個選項即可判斷本題考動詞 consist ( 組成 ) 的相關用法。首先, consist 為一不及物動詞,其後必須接介系詞 of , 表「由 … 組成」。其次,由本句句構來判斷,空格中應填入的是「分詞」結構。而由於不及物動詞沒有「被動」的用法,因此正確答案應為表「主動」且加上了介系詞 of 的 (C) consisting of 。

5. 由本句最後一個子句 it can be easily punctured( 它可以很容易地被刺穿 ) 往前推,代名詞 it 指的就是前面提到的 ear drum ( 鼓膜 ) ,而這層 膜 (membrane) 既然很容易可刺穿 ,所以應該是非常「脆弱的」。 正確答案為 (A) delicate 。選項 (B) excellent ( 極優的 ) 、 (C) sturdy ( 結實的 ) 與 (D) intricate ( 錯綜複雜的 ) 皆與題意不符。


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