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Dear Mr. Jay,

I am sorry to learn that you are dissatisfied with your FieldTech X45 digital camera, and assure you that we will do all we can to rectify the situation. You mentioned in you letter that the lens does not move smoothly. A vender that provided a small number of our lenses is known to   1   substandard materials, and yours may be among those affected. If you return the lens, we would be happy to examine it. If it is under warranty and found to be defective, we will of course offer you a replacement, or provide you with a full refund,   2   you prefer. If you choose to exchange your camera, there may be a short delay as the X45 is currently   3   . We are expecting shipment from our factory at the end of next month.

I hope you find this an acceptable resolution. Please contact me if you have any further questions.


Joan Feld, Customer Service Representative

1. (A) use (B) be used (C) have used (D) have been used

2. (A) whatever (B) whichever (C) however (D) whenever

3. (A) to be sold out (B) to sell out (C) selling out (D) sold out


1. 由前後文判斷,是由於有個販賣商 ("vendor") 「使用了」不合標準 ("substandard") 的材料才導致產品的瑕疵。而由於表「使用」之動詞 "use" 是出現在「不定詞」 "to" 之後,無法使用「過去式」 "used" ,因此必須以「現在完成式」 "have used" 來代替之。正確答案為 (C) have used 。選項 (A) use 為原形,不對;選項 (B) be used 為「被動式」之原形,也不對;選項 (D) have been used 雖屬「現在完成式」,但亦誤用了「被動式」,故亦不可選。

2. 由於句中提及兩個選擇: "replacement" 「換貨」或者 "a full refund" 「全額退款」,因此空格中只能填入 (B) whichever 「不論哪一個」,而不可選表達「不論任何東西」的 (A) whatever 。至於選項 (C) however 「不論如何」與 (D) whenever 「不論何時」則皆與句意不搭軋。

3. 片語動詞 "sell out" 是「售完」、「賣光」之意,而本句要表達的是 "X45" 這個產品「目前已經被賣光了」,因此正確答案應為 (D) sold out 。選項 (A) to be sold out 指「要被賣光」、 (B) to sell out 為「主動式」,指「去賣光」、 (C) selling out 亦屬「主動式」,且為「現在進行」、指「正在賣光」,三者皆與句意不符,故皆不可選。


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