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To: All employees

From: Malaika Mapalala, Director of Human Resources

Subject: Flu Season Precautions

It's flu season again, and I'd like to remind everyone to take some commonsense precautions

First, if you're not feeling well and are uncertain as to whether you're   1   , please don't come to the office. Either stay home or make an appointment with a physician to have your symptoms   2   . Even if you're not diagnosed with the flu, you may use the opportunity to get a flu shot. This will greatly cut down   3   your chances of catching the flu, and for most people there are few side effects. Of course it's best to not get sick at all. Proper nutrition and adequate rest will help keep your immune system strong, so remember to eat well and get plenty of sleep.

1. (A) contagious (B) conducive (C) congruent (D) consecutive

2. (A) evaluate (B) evaluating (C) to evaluate (D) evaluated

3. (A) in (B) on (C) with (D) for


1. 本題考相同字首 "con-" 的單字。由本文之「主旨」及第一段可知,此 email 與 "flu" 「流感」有關。由此即可判斷,空格中應填入的應是與感染有關的 (A) contagious 「 ( 有 ) 傳染性的」。選項 (B) conducive 指「有益 ... 的」、 (C) congruent 指「一致的」、 (D) consecutive 指「連續的」皆與題意無關。【注意,字首”con-”源自拉丁文,意思是”together”。】

2. 本題考正確之動詞變化。本句之不定詞 "to have" 之 "have" 為「使役動詞」,若其受詞為其後動詞之「主詞」,則該動詞應使用原形。但由於在本句中”have”之受詞”your symptom”「你的徵兆」實為其後動詞之「受詞」,因此該動詞應轉為「過去分詞」以表「被動」。正確答案為 (D) evaluated ,在此指「被評估」。

3. 本題考正確之介系詞。空格前之 "cut down" 指的是「減少」,”down”在此為「副詞」,若要接「減少」之對象應先加上「介系詞」”on”。正確答案為 (B) 。【 注意,”cut down on”可視為一「三字片語動詞」。 】


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