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Siegler Inc. announced today that it would not offer dividends to stockholders this quarter. Citing an economy that shows signs of moving into a recession, and a volatile stock market that has   1   four percent in value in recent weeks, the company has budgeted funds to offset a likely drop in demand. In the 18 months following its IPO, Siegler saw its shares   2   up 41% to a high of $128.56 before stabilizing near its current value of $109.43. According to Rose Thatcher of Empire Consulting, the outlook for Siegler in the coming year is very uncertain. ”  3   some significant improvements in productivity," she said, "changes in currency regulations, fluctuations in the exchange rate, or an overall decline in growth in the sector could all adversely affect Siegler's bottom line.”

1. (A) fluctuated (B) leveled (C) soared (D) plunged

2. (A) shot (B) shoot (C) shooting (D) to shoot

3. (A) Although (B) However (C) Despite (D) Disregard


1. 本題為單字題,須由前後文意推斷出正確答案。本句以一分詞構句啟始,而在該分詞構句中先提到經濟的衰退 (recession) ,由其後之對等連接詞 "and" 可推知,空格中應填入具「負面」意義之動詞。四個選項中只有 (D) plunged 屬負面字 眼,表達出股市 (stock market) 「 猛跌 」 之意,與 經濟之衰退呼應。選項 (A) fluctuated 「波動」乃 股市一般正常之情況、 (B) leveled 「持平」亦無「負面」之意涵,故二者皆不可選。選項 (C) soared 「高漲」則完全與句意相反,更不應選。

2. 本題考正確之動詞形式。由於本句之動詞 "saw" 「看見」屬「感官動詞」,依文法,出現在其受詞之後之動詞應使用「原形動詞」。正確答案為 (B) shoot ("shoot up" 指「暴漲」 ) 。選項 (A) shot 為「過去分詞」,由於句中並無「被動」之意,故不可選。選項 (C) shooting 為「現在分詞」,由於句意並沒有該公司之股票「正在」暴漲之意,因此亦不可選。至於屬「不定詞」的 (D) to shoot 則違反「感官動詞」的使用原則,即應在其後使用「原形動詞」。

3. 由空格出現在句首、其後為一名詞片語 "some significant improvements in productivity" 「在生產力方面一些重大的改善」,以及其後為一句子 ( 動詞為 "could...affect" 「可能會影響」 ) 這幾點來看,空格中只能填入一「介系詞」。四個選項中有 (C) Despite ( 儘管 ) 為介系詞,故為正確答案。選項 (A) Although ( 雖然 ) 為「連接詞」,其後應接一子句;選項 (B) However ( 然而 ) 屬「連接副詞」,其後應為一完整之句子;選項 (D) Disregard ( 不顧 ) 則為「動詞」,其後雖可接名詞 ( 片語 ) ,但本句並非「命令句」,動詞之前必須有其主詞。【注意,句中出現之 "she said" 為插入部分,與原句型無關,並不影響作答。】


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