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Sanath Tendulkar, star of the Mumbai Cricket Team, announced yesterday that he has signed an agreement with Global Sports to   1   its "Cool Image" line of sporting goods and apparel. In a press release, Mr. Tendulkar cited the excellent value and workmanship of Global Sports products   2   reasons for his decision. Mr. Tendulkar has been an India cricket celebrity ever since he joined the league five years ago. Media analyst Mihir Parikh believes that Mr. Tendulkar will have   3   impact on the Global Sports brand. "Sanath was seen stretching and warming up in Cool Image attire at Mumbai Stadium yesterday, and today customers are already crowding the malls to buy Global Sports clothing," he said.

1. (A) contract (B) assign (C) revoke (D) endorse

2. (A) with (B) in (C) as (D) upon

3. (A) a malignant (B) an immediate (C) an easy (D) a plain


1. 本題考正確之單字。由空格後為一名詞片語 "its 'Cool Image' line of sporting goods and apparel" 「它 ( 指 "Global Sports" 公司 ) 的運動商品及服裝系列之酷形象」可知,空格中應填入一及物動詞。而由該 that 子句之主詞 "he"( 指主要子句之主詞 "Sanath Tendulkar") 及 "star of the Mumbai Cricket Team" 「孟買板球隊之明星」來看,他和 Global Sports 簽下同意書 ("he has signed an agreement") 的目的應該是要為該公司的產品「背書」。正確答案為 (D) endorse 。選項 (A) contract 指「訂約」,與 "has signed an agreement" 意思重疊,故不可選。 選項 (B) assign 指「指派」,與 句意無關,亦不可選。 選項 (C) revoke 指「取消」,完全與 句意相反,更不應選。

2. 本題考正確之介系詞。本句之動詞 "cited" 是「舉出」的意思,其受詞為 "the excellent value and workmanship of Global Sports products" 「 Global Sports 公司產品極優的價值和做工」。依句意, Mr. Tendulkar 舉出 Global Sports 公司產品之優點應是「作為」他的 "reasons for his decision" 「他的決定之理由」,而由四個選項中能指「作為」的介系詞只有 (C) as 。

3. 本題考正確冠詞與形容詞的組合。由空格後被修飾的名詞 "impact"( 在此指「影響」、「作用」 ) 來推斷,空格中應填入的是具「正面」意涵的 (B) an immediate 「一個立即的」,也就是說, Mr. Tendulkar 的背書對 "Global Sports brand" 「 Global Sports 之品牌」會立即產生作用。選項 (A) 中的 "malignant" 指「有惡意的」,與 文意 完全 相反,故不可選。選項 (C) an easy 指「一個容易的」與 (D) a plain 指「一個單純的」,二者語意皆不夠清楚,故亦不適合用來修飾 "impact" 。


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