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To: Kevin Gordon <k.gordon@blankslate.com>

From: Jessie Evans <jessieevans@zapstart.com>

Re: Follow-Up

Date: 13 June, 8: 45 a .m.

Dear Mr. Gordon,

I would like to thank you for meeting with us this morning. The initial marketing proposal you presented was generally well-received, but after discussing the matter further with our CFO and sales team, we have decided to make a few changes.

First, we'd like to limit the amount spent on print advertising to 20% of the total. Second, you suggested   1   15% of our advertising budget on television and radio ads, but we are convinced it would be more effective to use that money for online advertising instead. Finally, we'd like you to   2   at least 10% of the budget to outdoor advertising. We have previously received very positive responses from our ads on buses and subways, so we were surprised to see that you didn't include them.

Taking these requirements into consideration, could you please resubmit your proposal by the end of next week? As we discussed, the content of all ads should focus   3   the high quality, ease of use, and reliability of our products rather than the price.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about our requirements, and thank you again for your presentation.

Best regards,

Jessie Evans

Marketing Director, Zap Start Inc.

1. (A) use (B) used (C) using (D) to use

2. (A) allocate (B) associate (C) aggregate (D) annihilate

3. (A) at (B) in (C) on (D) up


1. 空格前的 "suggested" 「建議」為一及物動詞,因此其後應有受詞,故本題應選 (C) using 「使用」 ( 動名詞 ) 。 "using 15% of our advertising budget on television and radio ads" 「使用我們百分之十五的廣告預算來做電視和收音機上的廣告」為一動名詞片語,在句中作 "suggested" 的受詞。【另注意, "suggest" 也常用 "that" 子句 ( 名詞 子句 ) 作為其 受詞。】

2. 本題考相同字首之單字。選項 (A) allocate 是「分配」之意,其字首 "al-" 乃 "ad-"( 指 "to") 的變形;選項 (B) associate 是「使聯合」之意,其字首 "as-" 亦是 "ad-" 之變形;選項 (C) aggregate 是「聚集」,字首 "ag-" 仍為 "ad-" 之變形;選項 (D) annihilate 是「消滅」的意思,字首 "an-" 也屬 "ad-" 的變形。而依前後文意,本題最適合之選項應為 (A) allocate 。 "allocate at least 10% of the budget to outdoor advertising" 的意思是:「分配至少百分之十的預算來做戶外廣告」。

3. 本題考正確之介系詞。空格前的 "focus" 指「聚焦」,而要表達「聚焦於 ... 」時,其後應接介系詞 "on" 。 正確答案為 (C) 。


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