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Q-Disk 400
More than just a disc drive

Thank you for your purchase. We created Q-Disk to ensure that your most valuable computer files are always safe and accessible whenever you need them, wherever you are. Just pop a Q-Disk in your pocket, and your data goes with you.


- High-Speed Transfer: Small files are moved almost instantly, large files in just seconds.

- Just the Right Size: Q-Disks are light and fit easily into a coat pocket.

- Turn Up the Volume: Q-Disks can hold   1   of songs or hundreds of full-length feature films.

- Stay in Sync: Whenever Q-Disk is connected to your computer, files are automatically updated to the most recent version.

- Secure: Your data can be encrypted on your computer before it is transferred, ensuring that only you have access   2   your files.


- After plugging your Q-disk into a power source, connect it to your computer. An icon will appear on the desktop and Q-Disk is ready to use.

- To enable syncing, encryption, and other advanced features, click on the Q-disk icon. A dialog box will appear guiding you through the many configuration options available. Activate those that you need.


- All Q-Disk products are guaranteed to be free of manufacturing defects for two years from the time of purchase.

- The warranty is   3   if the disk is dropped or exposed to water.

Please email support@q-disk.com if you experience any difficulty with your Q-Disk. For bulk orders, call Q-Disk sales support at (716) 984-9398. To receive updates on our latest offerings, visit us online at q-disk.com .

Q-Disk Inc., 2409 Colvin Blvd. , Kenmore , NY 14223

1. (A) ten of thousand (B) tens of thousand (C) ten of thousands (D) tens of thousands

2. (A) in (B) to (C) at (D) with

3. (A) empty (B) vacant (C) hollow (D) void


1. 本題考一般數目字的特殊用法。在英文中表明確數目時,數字是不能用複數形的,例如 "200" 是 "two hundred" , "3,000" 是 "three thousand" 。當數目字以 複數形式出現時,表達的是「不確定」的數目,例如 "tens" 指「好幾十」, "millions" 指「好幾百萬」。依此, "tens of thousands" 即指「數『十千』」,也就是「數萬」的意思。正確答案為 (D) 。其他選項之數字組合皆為誤。

2. 本題考正確之介系詞。在 "access" 「使用權」之後應用介系詞 "to" 表示使用的對象。正確選項為 (B) 。

3. 本題四個選項為意義相近之單字,須從其中找出能符合句意要求的字。選項 (A) empty 是「空的」之意;選項 (B) vacant 是「空缺的」的意思;選項 (C) hollow 則指「中空的」;選項 (D) void 可指「空的」、「空缺的」、「空閒的」,但還可以用來指「無效的」。由前後文意來判斷,本題唯一適合用來填入空格中的單字應為 (D) void : "The warranty is void if the disk is dropped or exposed to water. " 是「如果磁碟摔壞或碰到 水,該項保證就無效 」的意思 。


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