王復國老師英文閱讀OK Bar-TOEIC SP-17-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁登峰英文寫作報專區王復國老師英文閱讀OK Bar-TOEIC SP-17
    英文閱讀 OK Bar  





The Philadelphia Public Library is happy to announce our summer program for young readers: Discover the World of Books. The program will begin on Saturday, June 16 and continue until the end of August. Each   1   session of the program will focus on a different nation, region, or city. Our daily Story Time readings will also feature recommended books from or about the area, and they will be available for reading or check-out at a special display case at the entrance of the children's section. Thanks to guidance from The World Library Association and book exchanges with our sister libraries in Mexico City , Rome , Asmara , Bangalore , and Tokyo , original language versions of many of the books   2   together with their translations.

Most exciting for young readers are the free Reading Passports that will be distributed to all participants. Young readers who have finished reading a book from or about a particular area can bring it to any children's librarian and receive a stamp representing that area--just like any world traveler! Readers with twenty or more stamps are   3   to enter a drawing to receive a 24-inch diameter globe.

Thanks to special financial assistance from the city council, the program is free of charge. Readers between the ages of 4 and 14 are eligible, and can register starting on June 1 at the main information desk.

1. (A) two week (B) two weeks (C) two-week (D) two-weeks

2. (A) will display (B) will be displaying (C) will be displayed (D) will have been displayed

3. (A) eligible (B) electable (C) illegal (D) illegible


1. 本題考複合形容詞的正確使用方式。在英文中當一個形容詞是由數字加名詞而用連字號 ("hyphen") 聯結而成時,若數字為複數 ( 二或二以上 ) 其後之名詞不可使用複數形。因此 ,本題之正確答案為 (C) two-week 。注意,選項 (B) two weeks 指的是「兩個禮拜的時間」,不可作形容詞用。

2. 本題考正確的動詞時態。首先,由前文可知,整個活動「將於」六月至八月舉辦。而本句所提到的「許多書的原文版」 ("original language versions of many of the books") 應該是「被展示」。因此 ,本句之動詞應使用「未來簡單被動式」。正確答案為 (C) will be displayed 。注意,由於 前後文意並無「至未來某一時間點」之意涵,故表 「未來完成被動」的選項 (D) will have been displayed 並不正確。

3. 本題考相似字形之單字。選項 (A) eligible 指「有資格的」;選項 (B) electable 指「有候選資格的」;選項 (C) illegal 指「非法的」;選項 (D) illegible 指「無法辨讀的」。由空格後的不定詞片語 "to enter a drawing..." 「參加 ... 抽獎」來判斷,最適合填入空格中之單字明顯為 (A) eligible 。


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* 驗證碼: 按一下重取驗證碼 (請區分大小寫)
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