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Friends of the Wetlands

Janice Noguchi
2593 Seacrest Lane
Port John , FL 03087
April 21

Dear Ms. Noguchi,

Thank you for your renewing your Friends of the Wetlands membership. Your $25 contribution will enable us to continue our missions of environmental research, habitat restoration, and community education.

We would like to   1   this opportunity to remind you that in addition to paying your membership dues, we encourage all members to assist the Friends of the Wetlands directly. You can help by planting local foliage, leading wetlands tours for students and other community members, or working as a fundraiser. For   2   , we've scheduled an information meeting for 7:30 Friday evening at the visitors center. We look forward to   3   you there.

Mark Perry
Director, Friends of the Wetlands

1. (A) make (B) give (C) take (D) have

2. (A) those who are interesting (B) those who interest (C) those interest in (D) those interested

3. (A) see (B) seeing (C) be seeing (D) have seen


1. 本題考正確之搭配詞。 "take the opportunity" 是「利用這個機會」的意思,前續 "We would like to" 「我們想」,後接 "to remind you..." 「提醒您 ... 」最為合理。選項 (A) make 「製造」、 (B) give 「給予」及 (D) have 「有」三者雖皆可以 "this opportunity" 作為其受詞,但與前後文並無法構成語意順暢之句子。

2. 本題空格前為一介系詞,因此空格中應填入一適合作為其受詞之名詞結構。選項 (B) those who interest 與 (C) those interest in 皆不合文法,故可先排除。選項 (A) those who are interesting 是「那些有趣的人」的意思,與句意並不相符。本題正確答案為 (D) those interested 「那些有興趣的人」。注意, "those interested" 乃 "those who are interested" 之略。

3. 本題之重點在於空格前的 "to" 。英文中有兩個功能與用法皆不同的 "to" ,即介系詞 "to" 及用來構成不定詞的 "to" 。在介系詞 "to" 後須用名詞作為其受詞;在另一個 "to" 之後則應有原形動詞以構成不定詞。本題空格前的片語動詞 "look forward to" 是「期待」的意思,而其中之 "to" 屬介系詞,因此本題應選唯一具名詞功能的動名詞選項 (B) seeing 。


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