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Date: October 2

To: All Teachers and Counselors

From: Gordon Fris

Re: Survey Results

Of the 358 students in the program, 43 have completed the online satisfaction survey so far. The sample size is small, and responses are still coming in, but there are trends in the data that we cannot ignore. Let's discuss them at the staff meeting tomorrow afternoon.

Students who have completed at least two semesters give us high ratings in most areas, especially in teacher quality, student services, and overall satisfaction. Unsurprisingly, we received relatively low ratings for our facilities. In particular, students complained about our small desks, poor lighting, and the generally   1   condition of the classrooms.

New students noted that the hardware and the software available in the computer lab are outdated, bur surprisingly they did not suggest that they   2   . Several students said that they prefer their own computers to those in the lab, and they hoped teachers could suggest free or low-cost online resources to supplement their lessons.

Viewed together, there responses suggest that we shouldn't spend our development budget on upgrading the computer lab as we had intended, but instead use those funds to improve the physical environment of the school. I believe doing so would also help boost enrollment. We've known for some time that some potential students visiting the campus are not particularly impressed by our facilities.

Because the survey is conducted online, all results are presented in real-time. The numbers today could be substantially different from those tomorrow, so please check the results on the staff website again just before the meeting tomorrow to make sure we're all   3   the same page.

1. (A) appearing (B) appealing (C) applauding (D) appalling

2. (A) be upgraded (B) were upgraded (C) would upgrade (D) should upgrade

3. (A) in (B) on (C) with (D) into


1. 本題考字首相同、字形相似之單字。選項 (A) appearing 為動詞 "appear" 「出現」之現在分詞;選項 (B) appealing 為動詞 "appeal" 「懇求」、「上訴」、「迎合愛好」之現在分詞,可作形容詞用,指「有魅力的」;選項 (C) applauding 為動詞 "applaud" 「鼓掌」、「喝采」之現在分詞;選項 (D) appalling 為動詞 "appall" 「使驚駭」之現在分詞,可作形容詞用,指「可怕的」。依前後文意,最適合填入空格中之單字應為 (D) appalling ("appalling condition of the classrooms" 是「教室可怕的狀況」之意 ) 。另注意,本題四個選項的字首 "ap-" 指 "to" 。

2. 本題考正確動詞之型態。首先,在動詞 "suggest" 「建議」 、 「提議」之後的 "that" 子句中應使用原形動詞 ( 不論 "suggest" 為何種時態 ) 。其次 ,由於 "that" 子句中的主詞 "they" 指的是前面提到的 "the hardware and the software" 「那些硬體和軟體」,因此動詞理當使用「被動」形式。四個選項中只有 (A) be upgraded 「被升級」為原形、被動式,故為正確答案。

3. 本題考慣用語中應使用之正確介系詞。 "on the same page" 字面上是「在同一頁上」的意思,通常用來指「有共識」。由於這是慣用語,不可任意改變其組合形式。 正確答案為 (B) 。


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