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Glenda Jefferson

2600 6 th St . , Apt#4

Fair Oaks , CA 90033

July 28

Sunny's Restaurants

Corporate Headquarters

9483 Beltane Rd., Suite 500

Los Angeles , CA 90210

To Whom It May Concern:

Last Tuesday my husband, our three children, my brother, and I ate at the Sunny's Restaurant on Lankershim Blvd. We were eager to try a new restaurant and glad to take advantage of your daily deals coupons printed in the Sunday paper. I'm sorry to say that the moment we stepped through Sunny's doors I knew it was a bad idea. Instead of “a good time for all” it was a “lousy time by all.” Let me explain.

It is very difficult to find a decent vegetarian meal in Fair Oaks , so I was especially excited to try Sunny's vegetarian breakfast bar. Imagine my surprise to find that not ONE item at the bar was truly vegetarian.   1   , the advertised soup, salad, and fruit bar was not available. It   2   at the early time of 11: 30 a .m.! The only item I could eat was the Caesar salad, so I left the restaurant hungry. In addition, our server would not allow us to split up the check. I was going to use the 10% off Tuesday coupon for my brother's sandwich, and my husband was going to pay for the Family Pizza Special. The server kept saying only one coupon was valid per meal, and that the sandwich only cost $7 so my coupon would be invalid anyway.

Your ad doesn't specify what the “guarantee” entails exactly, but I am sure you stand   3   your offer. I demand a full refund of our meal -- $64.25. If I don't receive a check for that amount by August 15, I will be forced to contact the Fair Oakes Chamber of Commerce and post unfavorable reviews on the Internet.


Glenda Jefferson

1. (A) However (B) Further (C) Therefore (D) Instead

2. (A) has closed (B) was closing (C) had closed (D) would close

3. (A) for (B) by (C) with (D) up


1. 本題考正確之起承轉合用詞。選項 (A) However 指「然而」、選項 (B) Further 指「再者」、選項 (C) Therefore 指「因此」、選項 (D) Instead 指「反而」,四者皆屬「連接副詞」。而由前一句話 "Imagine my surprise to find that not ONE item at the bar was truly vegetarian." 「在我發現整個 ( 早餐 ) 吧台沒有『一』樣東西是真正的素食時,我所感受到的震驚您可想而知。」與本句 "... the advertised soup, salad, and fruit bar was not available." 「 ... 廣告上說的湯、沙拉和水果吧根本沒供應。」可看出,二者的邏輯方向相同,皆為「負面」。因此,二者間最合理的「橋樑」應該是 (B) Further 。 (A) However 與 (D) Instead 所連結的應是「相反」的概念,故二者皆不可選。另,由於前後兩句話並無「因果」關係,因此 (C) Therefore 亦為誤。

2. 本題考正確之動詞時態。本句主詞 "It" 指的是前一句中的 "the advertised soup, salad, and fruit bar" ,而前一句說這個 吧台 已不供餐,這一句則提到它早於 11 : 30 a .m. 就「關閉」了。很明顯地,這是所謂「過去的過去」之動作,因此正確時態應為「過去完成式」。本題應選 (C) had closed 。

3. 本題考慣用片語動詞中之正確介系詞。依前後文意,空格中應填入 (B) by : "stand by" 是「信守 ( 承諾 ) 」之意。若 "stand" 後接 "for" ,則指「代表」;若接 "with" 則有「聯合」之意; 若接 "up" 則是「站起來」的意思。此三者皆與句意不搭軋,故皆不可選。


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