王復國老師英文閱讀OK Bar-TOEIC SP-25-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
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Hydraulic fracturing, commonly referred to as “fracking,” is a technique to make natural gas wells more productive. Water, sand, and chemicals are injected into the ground, so that more natural gas can be pumped to the surface. Energy companies love the extra gas, but the practice has worried thousands of Green Valley residents. They are organizing against the possible leasing of 38,000 acres of the Green National Forest to the gas industry, who plan to install hundreds of fracking wells in the area. If the leasing   1   , the residents claim their quality of life will be threatened and the pristine environment destroyed.

The residents' primary concern is for their health and safety. Fracking has been cited as a source of chemical explosions and water pollution. Studies have shown that disease rates are higher near fracking wells. The residents also claim that because the Green National Forest   2   a public commons the government has a commitment to protect the forest.

Green Valley residents commissioned Public Eyewitness to   3   a survey to summarize residents' opinions on the matter. The results of the environmental organization's poll shows that 87% of citizens would agree to pay higher taxes to fund the research of other sources of energy.

1. (A) goes through (B) comes across (C) makes off (D) takes on

2. (A) declares (B) is declared (C) declared (D) was declared

3. (A) deduct (B) abduct (C) conduct (D) induct


1. 本題考慣用片語之正確使用。選項 (A) goes through 指「 ( 正式 ) 通過」、「順利完成」;選項 (B) comes across 指「偶然碰見」;選項 (C) makes off 指「匆匆離開」、「逃走」;選項 (D) takes on 指「承擔」、「呈現」、「雇用」。四選項中最能與主詞 "(the) leasing" 「租借 ( 案 ) 」搭配者應是 (A) goes through 。其他選項明顯皆與 「租借」無關。

2. 本題考正確之動詞型態。首先,由前後文意來判斷, "because" 「因為」所引導之從屬子句必須是一「既成」之事實,才可作為其後主要子句 "the government has a commitment to protect the forest" 「政府有應承擔的義務來保護該森林」之「因」。換言之,四個選項中屬「現在式」之 (A) declares 與 (B) is declared 可先排除。其次,由於 "because" 子句中的主詞 "the Green National Forest" 「翠綠國家公園」為「事物」而非「人」,因此動詞應選用「被動式」。本題正確答案為 (D) was declared ,而 "because the Green National Forest was declared a public commons" 指「因為翠綠國家公園被宣告為一公有地」。

3. 本題為單字題。選項 (A) deduct 是「扣除」的意思;選項 (B) abduct 指「誘拐」、「綁架」;選項 (C) conduct 可指「帶領」、「引導」、「指揮」,還可以是「進行」、「實施」、「經營」、「管理」之意;選項 (D) induct 是「使正式就任」、「吸收為會員」或「徵召入伍」的意思。由空格後之名詞 ( 受詞 )"a survey" 「一項調查」可斷定,空格中應填入的是 (C) conduct ,在此取其 「進行」、「實施」之意。【另,本題四選項用的是同一字根 "-duct" ,意思是 "lead" 「領導」。】


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