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Arts & Crafts Festival

Celebrate Spring! The roses are blooming and the smell of the lilacs is in the air. The Lafayette Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the 5 th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival will take place in downtown Lafayette . On Saturday March 21 and Sunday March 22, the Great Lawn of Lafayette's Public Square will be transformed into an arts and crafts   1   !

Twenty local artisans will display their work and offer free arts and crafts programs for both adults and children. Live entertainment   2   throughout the weekend on the Wilburn Stage near the north end of the park. Fine cuisine and beverages will be available at the Food Court   3   at the south end of the square. For more information on the participating artists, vendors, and schedule of programs please visit www.lafayette.com/artsandcraftsfestival .

Festival hours are 10 a .m.-9 p.m. There is no admission charge. Children of all ages are welcome, but no pets are allowed. Please note that parking will be limited. Shuttles from the Shreveport Mall to downtown Lafayette will be available for $2 one way.

We'll see you at Lafayette 's Public Square !

1. (A) extravaganza (B) extravagance (C) extraction (D) extortion

2. (A) will be on the go (B) will be to go (C) will be ongoing (D) will be going

3. (A) locate (B) located (C) locating (D) to locate


1. 本題為單字題。選項 (A) extravaganza 指「盛大的表演、展覽等」;選項 (B) extravagance 指「揮霍無度」;選項 (C) extraction 指「抽取 ( 物 ) 」;選項 (D) extortion 指「勒索」。依本文標題 "Arts & Crafts Festival" 「藝術與工藝節」即可知,選項 (A) extravaganza 為正確答案。【注意, "extravaganza" 原為義大利文,與選項 (B) extravagance 同源,由拉丁文之 "extra" ( 指 "beyond") 加 "vagari"( 指 "wander") 而來 。另,選項 (C) 與 (D) 則具相同之字首 "ex-" ,意思是 "out" 。 】

2. 本題考特殊字詞之使用。選項 (A) 中的 "on the go" 指「忙碌」,主詞通常是「人」,故不適用於本句中。選項 (B) 中的 "to go" 用來表達在餐廳所買的食物要「外帶」之意,亦不適用。選項 (D) will be going 屬「未來進行式」,意思是「即將要走了」,同樣與句意不符。本題唯一合理之選項為 (C) will be ongoing ,其中的 "ongoing" 為形容詞,是「進行的」之意,而 "Live entertainment will be ongoing throughout the weekend" 即「整個週末都會有現場表演」的意思。

3. 本題考作為修飾語之動狀詞的正確用法。依文法,表「位於」時動詞 "locate" 必須使用「被動式」。因此,作為修飾語表達某建築、房舍、單位等位於某處時應選擇該動詞的「過去分詞」。正確答案為 (B) 。


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