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To: Laura Bonn
From: Frederick Chen
Subject: Renovation schedule

Dear Laura,

I am very excited about the upcoming renovations, but I am also concerned that the construction might   1   affect auditions and rehearsals for the school band. Band tryouts are always held during the first week of the school year so the musicians have enough time to prepare for the Banner Autumn Festival. Since the music rooms won't be available until October 12, and because rehearsals can easily disturb classes, I would like to suggest that you   2   time for the band in the gym.   3   , I'd like to schedule auditions September 17-19 (Wednesday through Friday) from 3:15 to 4:30.

I understand that basketball and volleyball teams will also hold tryouts in the gym that week. I hope we can all work together to find a solution. Please let me know how I can help.

Best regards,

1. (A) deliberately (B) magnificently (C) adversely (D) tortuously

2. (A) will reserve (B) would reserve (C) reserved (D) reserve

3. (A) If possible (B) If is possible (C) If it possible (D) If can be possible


1. 本題考正確之副詞單字。選項 (A) deliberately 是「蓄意地」的意思;選項 (B) magnificently 是「宏偉地」的意思;選項 (C) adversely 指的是「不利地」;選項 (D) tortuously 則指「曲折地」。依前後文意,信件作者擔心興建工程會影響學校樂隊的試音和排練 ("affect auditions and rehearsals for the school band") ,四個選項中最適合用來修飾 "affect" 的副詞很明顯應該是 (C) adversely 。

2. 本題考正確之動詞形態。依文法,在 "suggest" 「建議」之後的 "that 子句 " ( 作為 "suggest" 之受詞 ) 中動詞必須使用原形 ( 不論 "suggest" 為何種時態 ) 。因此,本題唯一選擇為 (D) reserve 「保留」。

3. 本題考正確之簡化副詞子句。 "if" 為引導「條件子句」的從屬連接詞,故理論上其後應有主詞與動詞。由本題 四個選項可推斷,本題須選出的應該是 "If it is possible" 「如果可能的話」這個表條件之副詞子句的簡化式,而簡化之副詞子句必須將主詞與 be 動詞都省略,不可僅省略其中之一。因此,正確答案為 (A) If possible 。


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