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The Percival Seminars

How Will the New Health Insurance Regulations Affect You?

On January 1, a series of new state laws concerning health insurance will come   1   effect. These regulations will require significant changes in the ways companies and individuals pay for health insurance, and also how healthcare providers receive payments from insurance companies.

The non-profit Percival Center for Public Health   2   a monthly seminar at the spacious BGLC Community Room outlining these changes and providing experts to answer questions about the new regulations. Due to the overwhelming popularity of these seminars, we have decided to add an additional monthly seminar during each of the coming three months. The times of all seminars will be announced on percivalcenter.com as soon as they are scheduled. The next seminar is scheduled for:

Time: Wednesday, September 28, 3:30-5:15 p.m.

Place: The Bruce Grobelaar Leisure Center Community Room

Please note: Due to the strong demand, it is strongly suggested that those interested in attending make a reservation by visiting our website percivalcenter.com . We will   3   every effort to accommodate walk-in guests, but seating is limited. Those who have not reserved a space may be turned away at the door.

1. (A) on (B) in (C) into (D) upon

2. (A) had offered (B) has been offering (C) has been offered (D) have offered

3. (A) do (B) take (C) get (D) make


1. 本題考慣用語中正確介系詞之使用。 "come into effect" 是「 ( 法律、法規等 ) 生效」之意,為固定之用法。本題應選 (C) 。【注意,英文也有 "go into effect" 的說法。】

2. 本題考正確的動詞時態。首先,由於全文基本上討論的是與「現在」相關的一些事務,因此一般用來表所謂的「過去的過去」之「過去完成式」選項 (A) had offered 可先排除。其次,本句主詞 "The non-profit Percival Center for Public Health" 為一機構,而由該機構「提供」 ("offer") 研討會 ("seminar") 應屬「主動」之概念,故表「被動」之選項 (C) has been offered 亦可排除。最後,由於主詞 "The non-profit Percival Center for Public Health" 為「單數」,因此動詞應選用單數之 (B) has been offering 。 【注意, "has been offering" 屬「現在完成進行式」,表達的是「一直到現在都還在提供」之意。】

3. 本題考正確之「搭配詞」。表示「努力」、「奮力」時, "effort" 這個字必須和動詞 "make" 連用,例如 "make an effort" 、 "make the effort" 或 "make efforts" 。而 "make every effort" 則為「盡一切努力」之意。正確答案為 (D) 。


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