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To: jorge_valasquez@buenosairesnet.com
From: phoenix@retromail.net
Subject: Product Samples

Hi Jorge,

I'm happy to tell you we're ready to send you a batch of samples of our new running gear. I apologize for not sending them last month, but as it was the holiday season, we were completely backed up with filling retail orders. Plus, our shipment of new products, which included the samples I wanted to send you, were delayed in   1   .

I'll send the package via a courier tomorrow, so it should reach you within three days. If you could please send me an e-mail after you   2   it, that would be fantastic.

We're very excited about the new line,   3   we feel is our best yet. I hope you'll agree.


1. (A) container (B) supplier (C) quantity (D) customs

2. (A) are receiving (B) received (C) receive (D) will receive

3. (A) which (B) that (C) where (D) why


1. 答案 (D)

由 ... our shipment of new products…were delayed( ... 我們那批新產品的貨運 ... 被耽擱了 ) 來判斷,介系詞 in 之後應該接「地方」。正確選項為 (D) customs ( 海關 ) 。注意,本字為複數形。

2. 答案 (C)

由前後文看來,收信者目前「尚未」收到 package ( 包裹 ) ;也就是說收到的時間應該是在「未來」。但是由於動詞出現在表時間的副詞子句裡 (after you …) ,因此應用現在式代替未來式。正確答案為 (C) receive 。

3. 答案 (A)

由於先行詞 the new line ( 這個新的系列 ) 為「事物」,故空格中應填入關係代名詞 (A) which 。注意,因為在關係代名詞前有逗號;意即,本關係子句為「非限定」用法,故不可用 (B) that 來代替 which 。另,選項 (C) where 與選項 (D) why 皆為關係副詞。

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 姓  名*    
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 電子郵件*   (請詳實填寫以便進一步回覆)
* 驗證碼: 按一下重取驗證碼 (請區分大小寫)
( 星號表必填欄位 )
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