101 外交領事人員,國際經濟商務人員 科目:專業英文
1.The villagers held a feast to celebrate the_____harvest that
they enjoyed.
(a) abundant (b)elaborate (c)inclusive (d) outrageous
2.when gas is leaking,don’t panic! Open the window immediately and the gas will_____quickly after a few minutes.
(a) dissipate (b)hesitate (c)mitigate (d)evacuate
正解: (a)
1.sometimes who you know seems to carry more weight than who you are.
(a)sometimes it seems to be more important to find out who you know rather than who you are.
(b)sometimes the backgrounds of your friends seem more important than
Where you come from.
(c)sometimes your connections will the right people seem to outweigh
Your abilities and talents.
(d)sometimes knowing what other people can do for you seems to outweigh
Knowing you own self.
正解: (c)
本句的重點在於理解句中的兩個名詞子句who you know 和who you are以及不定詞片語to carry more weight 的意涵。選項(c)中的your connections
with the right people就相當於who you know,your abilities and talents就相當於who you are,而out-weigh就是carry more weight 之意,因此(c)為正確答案。
★ 克漏字
How good is a hospital? Many criteria come into play―the reputation of the physicians, or how well equipped a facility is, or the quality of food and patient services. As health care becomes more a global enterprise, with patients
going farther afield in pursuit of the best care, the need for an objective measure of hospital performance has become more pressing.
Fortunately there is a yardstick that applies equally well to the most luxurious tourist hospital in Thailand and the most basic NGO-run facility in Africa, and everything .
由句中提到的a yardstick ……….applies equally well to the most luxurious…..and the most basic…….來判斷,此yardstick 「評斷之標準」既適用於the most luxurious 「最豪華的」與the most basic「最基本的」醫療院所,介於這個極端之間的任何其他單位”anything in between”自然也就適用了,正確答案為:in between。
Educational researchers have identified four distinctive learning styles used by students who are attempting to master new information and concepts. First, some students prefer auditory learning. They learn best form lectures, tapes recordings, and class discussions. The second of these styles is tactile learning. This is a learning-by-doing approach, which involves such things as dissecting animals to handle their internal organs rather than reading about them. Still other students are best suited to experiential learning. Making use of all their senses, such as a field trip to a forest when studying botany, is the best way for these learners to understand new material fully. The last of these styles is visual learning. The student who favors this style relies heavily on what can be seen―books and charts, to acquire knowledge. Of these four learning styles, none is considered best; but rather they are descriptive of techniques individuals use to learn effectively.
依文章結構來看,本句的功能在於說明前一句話:the last of these style is
visual learning。也就是說喜歡visual learning「視覺學習」的人非常倚賴
what can be seen「可以看得見的東西」來學習,而什麼是看得見的東西呢?
舉例來說,就是書和圖表”books and charts,for instance”。本題答案為 for instance.
注意,本句中books and charts,for instanc前後皆使用了破折號,而事實上英文破折號的功能之一就是用來做「插入說明」。
本份試題可說是一次「字彙能力大考驗」。從翻譯、作文到測驗題(包括克漏字和閱讀)部分,沒有紮實的字彙底子並不容易在此一次考試中拿到高分。以測驗題部分的1-14題來看,考的是百分之百的「文意字彙」。應試者除了必須認識各選項的單字外,還必須看懂句子以取得線索,判斷應填入哪一個選項。因此,在這個部份應試者能夠取巧的機會並不高。另外,本次考試的出題者還常利用相似字形的單字來混淆考生,例如單字題第12題的predictors,precipice,prodigies和predators,或克漏字第25題的morality, mobility,mortality和modality。因此平常若是「讀書不求甚解」的人就容易吃虧。
由此一份「殷實」的試題看來,考生在準備考試時一定要「腳踏實地」。比如說,記憶單字時切忌只背一個中文的意思,而不考慮該單字的多義性和用法。第一部份「英譯中」第一題裡的tendered和head 就是最好的例子。如果只知道tender
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