101 慈濟大學後中醫英文作文,學士後英文,Blog


101 慈濟大學後中醫英文作文
101 慈濟大學後中醫英文作文
出處《李正凡: 後中/西醫醫科英文解題制霸》
Should college students take part-time jobs? Write your ideas in no more than 250 words.
Is it really significant (important, essential, crucial) for students to work while they are attending (going to) college? Quite a few (Many, Not a few) college students have a part-time job partly because some have to work for their tuitions (學費) and partly because others work for nothing but (only, merely, simply, exclusively) their allowances (零用錢). For undergraduates (大學生), a part-time job resembles (is like, is similar to, is analogous to) a coin with two sides: students can not only make money but complement (補充) the practical experience books cannot provide on the one hand, and over-indulgence in (過度沉溺於、過度投入) work will divert (使分心) their attention from studying on the other hand.
One of the positive results from part-time work experience is that college students can learn how to harness (manage) their time. So far as I am concerned, working at a learning center while I was in the university offers me a valuable chance to poise (balance) schooling and job as well as procure (獲得) some experience of guiding, disciplining, and administering students. The biggest plus (advantage, strength, merit) is that the job after school puts me out into the real world. The part-time job has enlightened (inspired) me the magnitude (importance) of communication on the grounds that (because, in that) I have to adjust myself both to the workplace and to the demand of customers. Through the learning process of communicating with others, I have learned to be patient and flexible (彈性的). Such part-time job experience is conducive (beneficial) to paving the path for (為~鋪路) my future career.
Despite (儘管、雖然) some advantages to university students with a part-time job, over-addiction to (過度沉溺於、過度投入) job will reduce studying to a secondary status (次等的地位). Working in the evening may defer (耽擱、延遲) the time students go home, go to bed, and the assignment they are required to finish, and may render (使得) them so languorous (無精打采) that they frequently keep lethargic (無精神的、昏昏欲睡的) and doze off (打瞌睡) in class. Another negative impact (負面的衝擊) consists in (lies in) the stress (pressure) of job and onerous (heavy, overloaded) schoolwork imposed (強加於) upon them. They probably fail in both dimensions (方面)-- job and school. Engrossed in earning money (專注於賺錢), they may be stripped of (被剝奪) numbers of (many) opportunities in getting along with (相處) their family, classmates and friends, and in learning something updated (更新的) beyond work. What is worse (更糟糕的是), the atmosphere (氛圍) of pressure and tension (緊張) has a tendency to lead the students to increased alcohol and drug abuse (更多的酗酒與磕藥).
Compared with working, undergraduates should put academic performance on a pedestal (以~為優先). Nevertheless, a part-time job seems able to bring them some merits. The youngsters are supposed to (should) learn how to balance their academic practice and job. Working part time can permit them to combine what they learn from books with (結合) their practical experience in real-life situations.
上一篇:98 台灣師大英語研究所

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