
◎ 經典考題示範:

一 、 文意字彙

1 、The term home schooling or home tuition, as it is called in England, means educating children at home or in places other than a mainstream setting such as a public or private school. There are many reasons why parents choose home schooling for their children. Some parents are      with the quality of education in the public schools.
(a) contented (b) dissatisfied (c) pleased (d) unconcerned

正解: (b)

由前後文關係來判斷,此句的功能在於解釋說明前一句話中提到的 why parents home Schooling for their children ,而合理的原因之一就是: Some parents are dissatisfied( 不滿意 ) with the quality of education in the public schools. 正確答案為 (b). 選項 (a) contented( 滿意 ) 與選項 (c) pleased( 高興 ) 與前後文意完全相悖,選項 (d) unconcerned (不在乎)亦不合理,故不可選。

3 、 These parents fear this type of pressure will      negative behavior such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs.
(a) derive from (b) lead to (c) result from (d) transfer to

正解: (b)

本句的主要動詞為 fear( 害怕 ) ,其後之文法結構則為其受詞子句( that 被省略),依句意,這些父母害怕的是這種壓力會「導致」如抽菸、喝酒、吸毒等負面行為( These parents fear this type of pressure will lead to negative behavior such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs. 正確答案為 : (b) ,選項 (a)derive from( 源自 ) 與選項 (c) result from (由 …. 產生)邏輯相反、倒果為因,不可選,選項 (d) transfer to (遷移至 ……… )語意不通,亦不可選。

6 、Hong Kong has lost its sky. The city is frequently      in a noxious smog, and many days the only place you can see a clear shot of the famously picturesque skyline is in ads for luxury apartments.
(a) clammed (b) cloaked (c) soiled (d) sucked

正解: (b)

由前後文來判斷,本句是用來說明前一句話 Hong Kong has lost its sky ,也就是,香港這個城市經常「壟罩」在有毒的煙霧之中( The city is frequently cloaked in a noxious smog) 。 (b) 為正確答案。 (a) clammed 指「閉住」、 (c) soiled 指「弄髒」、 (d) sucked 指「吸收」明顯皆與題意不符。

11 、 Central government investment in environmental protection remains      below the 2.2% of GDP which, Chinese scientists claim, is the minimum necessary to prevent further deterioration .
(a) so (b) well (c) very (d) too


由空格前的連綴動詞 remains 與空格後的介系詞片語 below the 2.2% of GDP 來判斷,空格中應填入一可用來修飾其前之動詞或可用來修飾其後之介系詞片語的修飾語。在描述過四個選項之後得知,本題考的是適合用來修飾 below the 2.2% of GDP 的副詞。 選項 (a)so 、 (c)very 與 (d)too 這三個一般程度副詞皆不合適。本題應選具「強調」功能的副詞 (b)well 。

14 、As never before in their long history, universities have become instruments of national competition as well as instruments of peace. They are the of the scientific discoveries that move economies forward, and the primary means of educating the talent required to obtain and maintain competitive advantage.
(a) locus (b) equation (c) product (d) application


由空格前的定冠詞 the 與空格後出現的介系詞片語 of the scientific discoveries 來判斷,空格中應填入一名詞。 而由主詞 They 與動詞 are 來判斷,空格中填入之名詞的指稱應該與主詞 They 相同,也就是皆指前一句話中提到的 universities 。四個選項中為一合適用來指 universities 的名詞與 (a) locus( 所在地 ) 。 (b) equation 指「等式」、 (c) product 為「產品」、(d) application 是「應用」,語意皆不符,故不可選。



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