



1﹒fter you are done with your reading, please decide on the main idea the author is trying to convey.
(a) move (b) get across (c)pretend (d)summarize.
2﹒You do not have to be a television critic or historian to read the culture
That is projected over the airways.
(a) most people, be they television critics or historians, have little
Understanding of the culture on TV.
(b) Msot people know how to make valuable TV programs as well as television
Critics or historians.
(c) Most people can understand the culture on TV even if they are not television critics historians.

< 動狀詞選擇題 >
1﹒A _____ paper is often much harder to understand than an oral report.
(A) to write (B) writing (C) written (D) wrote
2﹒Drinking lots of _____ water before meals can make you eat less and lose weight.
(A) to boil (B) boiling (C) boiled (D) be boiling
3﹒This joke is really _____.
(A) to amuse (B) amusing (C) amused (D) amuses
4﹒I felt deeply _____ after listening to the story.
(A) to touch (B) touching (C) touched (D) be touching
5﹒I have the impression that English-_____ people are more passionate and optimistic.
(A) to speak (B) speaking (C) spoken (D) speaks



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