

◎ 經典考題示範:

一 . 文意字彙

31. To      foreign cultures into language curriculum, teachers would introduce particular activities of festivals or celebrations to their students.
(A) concede (B) devote (C) infuse (D) transplant

正解:(C) infuse

由空格前的不定詞 to 即可知,空格中應填入一原形動詞;而由空格後的名詞片語 foreign cultures( 外國文化 ) 則 可判斷,該 動詞應為及物動詞。四個選項中最適合以 foreign cultures 做為受詞的應屬 (C) infuse( 注入 ) 。整句話的意思是:為了要將外國文化注入語言課程中,老師會介紹一些特殊的節慶活動給學生。另,選項 (A) concede( 讓步 ) 、選項 (B) devote( 奉獻 ) 、選項 (D) transplant( 移植 ) ,皆與句意不符 。

36. The presidential candidate avoided talking much about      issues related to national health insurance and tax increase.
(A) concomitant (B) hedonistic (C) provocative (D) subliminal

正解:(C) provocative

由空格後的名詞 issues( 議題 ) 可知 ,空格中應填入的是一形容詞。由前後文意「該總統候選人避免討論與全民健保與加稅有關的議題」 來推斷,最適合填入空格中的形容詞應是 (C) provocative( 挑釁的 ) 。選項 (A) concomitant( 附隨的 ) 、選項 (B) hedonistic( 快樂主義的 ) 、選項 (D) subliminal( 潛在意識的 ) 則 與題意不符 。

38. Melissa is very into politics. In fact, she has had      to become the first female prime minister of the country since she was a little girl.
(A) alienation (B) annihilation (C) aspirations (D) assumptions

正解:(C) aspirations

由空格前的及物動詞 (has) had 可知 ,空格中應填入一名詞。由空格後具名詞後位修飾功能的不定詞片語 to become the first female prime minister( 成為第一位女首相 ) 以及題目中的第一句話 Melissa is very into politics( 瑪莉莎非常熱衷於政治 ) 來推論,本題的正確答案應為 (C) aspirations( 抱負;志向 ) 。選項 (A) alienation 指「疏遠」、選項 (B) annihilation 指「消滅」、選項 (D) assumptions 指「假定」 ,明顯皆與題意不符。


41. Many of them have an interest in the arts and      creative industries such as entertainment.
(A) gravitate toward (B) refrain from (C) discriminate against (D) conflict with

正解:(A) gravitate toward

本句的主詞 Many 指的是前 一句話中的 People with a life interest in creative production( 對於有創意之作品有濃厚興趣的人 ) 。而由前後文意來推斷,這些人除了對藝術有興趣 (have an interest in the arts) 之外,也會像是娛樂界這樣需要創意的行業 吸引 (gravitate toward creative industries such as entertainment) 。正確答案為 (A) 。注意, gravitate 原指「受引力作用而運動」,在此轉指「被吸引」。 另外, 選項 (B) 中的 refrain 指「抑制」、選項 (C) 中的 discriminate 指「差別待遇」、選項 (D) 中的 conflict 指「衝突」,皆與前後文不搭軋。


45. The paper presents the hypothesis that human emotion originates biochemically without scanting the likelihood that cultural influences are almost equally important.
(A) In the paper, it is contended that human emotion is created by biochemical processes of the human body rather than by cultural factors.
(B) The paper asserts that human emotion is the result of biochemical processes which are in turn shaped by cultural influences.
(C) The paper hypothesizes that there is a biochemical foundation for human emotion, while admitting that cultural influences cannot be neglected.
(D) It is hypothesized in the paper that human emotion has a biochemical origin and is exempted from cultural influences.

正解:(C) The paper hypothesizes that there is a biochemical foundation for human emotion, while admitting that cultural influences cannot be neglected.

本題原句的意思是:該論文提出了一項假設,認為人類的感情源自於生物化學方面之反應,但是並未忽略可能來自文化方面的影響力。與之最相近的句子應該是 (C) The paper hypothesizes that there is a biochemical foundation for human emotion, while admitting that cultural influences cannot be neglected. 。其中, The paper hypothesizes 就等於句中的 The paper presents the hypothesis ; that there is a biochemical foundation for human emotion 與原句中的 that human emotion originates biochemically 具相同的意思; while admitting that cultural influences cannot be neglected 則正好可用來解釋原句中最難懂的部分 without scanting the likelihood that cultural influences are almost equally important 。(注意, scant 在本句中為及物動詞的用法 (scanting 是其動名詞 ) ,意思是「忽略」。 )


本份試卷雖然題目不多,但是出現在考題中的許多單字卻具相當的「份量」(如第 31 題中的 infuse 、第 34 題中的 panoramic 、第 36 題中的 concomitant 等),因此,想取得絕對高分並不容易。建議應考者可以托福考試為假想敵,測試一下自己的實力。

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