

◎ 經典考題示範:

一 . 文意字彙

2.In their campaign speeches many candidates tend to      rather than assert their opinions or positions in certain political issues.
(A)admonish (B)circumscribe (C)equivocate (D)mesmerize


由空格前出現的 tend to( 傾向於做 …….) 可知,空格中應填入一原形動詞,而由空格後的 rather than assert( 而不明確表示 ) 來判斷,空格中應填入具相反意義的 (C)equivocate (含糊其辭)。整句話的意思是:許多候選人在選戰的演說中對於某些政治議題傾向於含糊其辭而不明確地表示他們的意見或立場。

6.Sometime in the past 30 years, young Americans have become risk-averse      , and less inclined to pack up and move.
(A)forsaken (B)sedentary (C)bohimian (D)somatic


由空格前出現的逗號以及空格後出現的逗號與對等連接詞 and 可知,這是一個「平行結構」。而由前一個逗號之前的 risk-averse (不願冒風險的)和後一個逗號之後的 less inclined to pack up and move (比較不傾向於起而行)來判斷,空格中應填入一個樣具「消極」意涵的字。四個選項中最符合句意的是 (B) sedentary (坐著不動的)。


15.Sudden dollops of cash from donors have helped revive dying campaigns.
(A)With donors suddenly withdrawing cash, campaigns have died.
(B)The reviving campaigns have attracted a lot of cash from donors.
(C)Donors have helped revive dying campaigns by reducing their donations.
(D)An amount of unexpected cash from donors has reactivated the campaigns.


本題重點在於理解原句主詞部分的 Sudden dollops of cash 及述語 has helped revive dying campaigns 。前者相當於選項 (D) 的 An amount of unexpected cash ;後者則與 (D) 中的 has reactivated the campaigns 同義。注意,原句中的 dollops 原指「塊、團」,而 revive 則有「使復活」之意。

17.Some economists think that globalization may have given the world an unprecedented opportunity to act in concert to tackle the threat of financial crisis.
(A)Some economists view globalization as an exceptional opportunity for the world to work together to fight against financial crisis.
(B)Some economists view that the threat of worldwide financial crisis can be controlled through the process of globalization.
(C)Some economists think that the world ' s effort on coping with financial crisis may enhance the process of globalization.
(D)Some economists think that globalization may be the main cause of the unmatched worldwide financial crisis.


本題重點在於理解原句中的 unprecedented 和 tackle 這兩個單字和 act in cencert 這個慣用語。 Unprecedented 是「無先例的」之意。可以 (A) 選項中的 exceptional 「例外的」來取代; tackle 指「對付」, tackle the threat of 就相當於 (A) 選項中的 fight Against ;而片語 act in concert 「一致行動的」則等同於 (A) 選項中的 work together.


So are police in several other countries,   26   the virtues of high-tech crimefighting become clear. Spiking crime rates everywhere from Colombia to Brazil , India to South Africa , have encouraged more and more cops to draw on technology to where criminals are going to strike next, so their thinly stretched forces can be at the right place at the right time. “
26.(A)though (B)if (C) but (D)as


本題要選的是可表「時間」、「因果」的連接詞。由前後之文意來判斷,本句要表達的應該是:隨著高科技打擊犯罪的優點日趨顯著,其他幾個國的警察維持社區秩序的工作也越來越好。正確答案為 (D)as 。 注意,本句的第一個子句 ”So are police in several other countries” 用來接續上一段的最後一句話“ We are serving the neighborhoods better.”



由於本次考試為特種考試,因此試題難度偏高。試題中出現了不少超出一般程度的字眼,如英譯中部份出了上個世紀才創造出的新字 influenza (可譯為「富裕流感」或 「富裕病」,而在閱讀測驗中則出現專業字眼 hypothalamus( 丘腦下部 ) 。

雖然文意字彙部份考到的單字不至於太過冷僻,但也 有不少中高難度的單字,如第 2 題中的 circumscribe( 限制 ) 、 mesmerize( 催眠 ) ,第六題中的 bohimian (放蕩不羇的)、 somatic (身體的),第 12 題中的 dilapidated( 快要倒塌的 ) 、 ubiquitous( 到處存在的 ) 等。

本次考試較特別的地方是, 在測驗題部分除了一般常見的文意字彙、同義表達及克漏字之外,還出現了「篇章結構」題。應試者除了須具備中高程度的單字能例外,還必須對文章之主題、細節、起承轉合等有所掌握,才能夠順利作答。





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