托福加分寫作語庫:同意他人觀點 1,Quentin寫作報,Blog


托福加分寫作語庫:同意他人觀點 1

・What you just said is so true. 你剛才說的太對了。

・That is exactly how I feel. 這正是我的感受。

I agree with [Someone].
我同意 [某人] 的觀點。

I agree with Linda, and we do need to take immediate action.
我同意 Linda 的觀點,我們確實需要立即採取行動。

I couldn’t agree with [Someone] more.
我非常認同 [某人]。

I couldn’t agree with Linda more when she emphasized the need for better training programs.
Linda 強調需要更有效的訓練計劃,我非常認同。

I (completely) agree with [Someone’s] viewpoint/opinion.
我(完全)贊同 [某人的] 觀點/意見。

I completely agree with Linda’s opinion on the importance of preserving natural resources.
我完全同意 Linda 提及保護自然資源重要性的觀點。

I partially agree with [Someone].
我部分同意 [某人] 的觀點。

I partially agree with Linda, as I think while expanding business internationally has merits, there are still risks we need to consider.
我部分同意 Linda 的觀點,因為我認為雖然去海外拓展業務有其優點,但仍然存在某些風險是需要考慮的。

I side with [Someone] on this issue.
在這個議題上我支持 [某人]。

I side with Linda on this issue, as I also think the government should develop more MRT routes.
在這個議題上我支持 Linda,因為我也認為政府應該開發更多條捷運路線。


academic writing 學術寫作 intensive course 密集課程
cafeteria 學生餐廳 mid-term exam 期中考試
course curriculum 課程綱要 online course 線上課程
diploma 學位證書 peer evaluation 同儕互評
distance learning 遠距學習 thesis writing 論文寫作
final grade 學期成績 transcript 成績單
individual presentation 個人簡報 tuition fee 學費

※ 以上內容節錄自 貝塔語測NEW iBT 托福:學術討論寫作實測
作者:薛詠文、試題設計:Quentin Brand

<新書推薦>《 雙語計程車英文句典


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