


2019 年 12 月中國湖北省武漢市華南海鮮市場一帶爆發不明原因肺炎,隨後更蔓延全球,時至今日疫情愈發擴散,世界各國紛紛出現確診病例。在台灣甚至還出現了搶購口罩的現象。關於「武漢肺炎」此議題,可以在英文寫作上如何發揮?以下是我們的建議。

❶ 武漢肺炎 Wuhan pneumonia(世界衛生組織 WHO 命名為 2019-nCoV)

❷ 冠狀病毒 coronavirus
❸ 爆發 break out
❹ 呼吸道感染 respiratory infection
勤洗手 Wash your hands frequently.
戴口罩 Wear a surgical mask.
避免觸摸眼鼻口 Do not touch your nose and mouth or rub your eyes.

❽ 醫用/外科口罩 surgical mask
❾ 農曆新年假期 the Lunar New Year holidays
❿ 囤貨;囤積 hoard;stock up


Wuhan pneumonia

In December 2019, pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus—known as 2019-nCoV—broke out in the Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei Province. There are many members of the virus family, but coronaviruses tend to cause respiratory infections, from typical ones such as the common cold to more serious ones such as SARS and MERS.

Experts advise that you should avoid traveling to China, especially Wuhan, in the near future. Wash your hands frequently. Do not touch your nose and mouth or rub your eyes. Wear a surgical mask in crowded places and on long-distance transportation, such as trains or planes.

According to research, surgical masks are quite effective in preventing the spread of influenza viruses. Even medical personnel wear surgical masks when they treat influenza patients. However, due to the Lunar New Year holidays, mask manufacturers paused production, leading many people to report that they cannot buy masks at all. In response, the government announced that 6 million masks have been released each of the last three days. Because of the emergency, each person is allowed to purchase only three masks. I hope that the public will not panic and begin to hoard more masks than they need.


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