


※ 本文節錄自 貝塔語測論證型英文寫作速成教戰 》 作者:Quentin Brand

寫作題目 Cybercrime–crime involving computers-is becoming more common as we put more of our personal information online. What are the problems associated with cybercrime, and what can be done to solve them?

〈小叮嚀〉請留意兩個正文段落之主題句,你能否看出這兩句是如何最為概括, 以及段落中的其他各句是如何發展或對主題句提供具體的細節?

It cannot be denied that cybercrime is becoming more frequent. It’s my opinion that this is a very serious problem that will only get worse in the future. This essay will look at some of the common problems and will then suggest two solutions.

It is becoming easier for criminals to access personal information for their own uses. Take for example the way that personal banking information is now all stored on the cloud. It is very easy for criminals to access this information and steal money from ordinary citizens’ bank accounts. The financial industry should have foreseen this problem, and banks ought to have taken action to prevent this kind of crime. If banks were more careful about security, they wouldn’t have this problem.

The solution is to make banks and individuals responsible. Banks must be forced to improve their security systems so that hackers cannot access them. They should be made to refund any money stolen from their customers’ accounts, and they ought to be forced to pay a fine when a theft occurs. If we force banks to be more careful about security, this kind of crime might not be so common. Another solution is to make customers more aware of the importance of changing their passwords frequently. If people change their passwords regularly, it will make it more difficult for criminals to access their information.

In conclusion, cybercrime causes great harm to private citizens and public institutions. Overall, it’s clear that both banks and customers have a role to play in preventing it.







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