期數 |
歷 期 單 元 |
no.680 |
單字進化術:完成工作的標準 procedure! |
no.679 |
口說小俚語:Odds are, he was just making sure. |
no.678 |
單字進化術:It's a real problem. |
no.677 |
口說小俚語:到底是怎麼回事? Tell me everything. |
no.676 |
單字進化術:合理的price,冷靜的購物! |
no.675 |
口說小俚語:來吧!Work it out. |
no.674 |
單字進化術:我的position也很為難! |
no.673 |
口說小俚語:Can you imagine what that's like? |
no.672 |
單字進化術:立馬點出point! |
no.671 |
口說小俚語:真噁心!Enough is enough! |
no.670 |
單字進化術:你是 key personnel 嗎? |
no.669 |
口說小俚語:You didn't. Oh, my God. You did? |
no.668 |
單字進化術:單一 option 下的結果! |
no.667 |
口說小俚語:還記得 that man you loved so much? |
no.666 |
單字進化術:您已成功下標此商品,請於7天內 payment. |
no.665 |
口說小俚語:天啊!好喜歡!It blows me away. |
no.664 |
單字進化術:努力的抓住 opportunity! |
no.663 |
口說小俚語:別帶我去 some strang place. |
no.662 |
單字進化術:Network 資訊爆炸的時代! |
no.661 |
口說小俚語:欸嘿,Don't think I didn't notice! |
no.660 |
單字進化術:Negotiation 高手! |
no.559 |
口說小俚語:親愛的,我們 kiss and make up吧! |
no.558 |
單字進化術:我是 minutes 小幫手! |
no.557 |
口說小俚語:It's kind of a stupid thing. |
no.556 |
單字進化術:部門 merger,是好還是壞? |
no.555 |
口說小俚語:This isn't about the sex.而是關於鞋子。 |
no.554 |
單字進化術:永無止盡的Meeting人生! |
no.553 |
口說小俚語:No exaggeration or anything like that. |
no.552 |
單字進化術:產品的創造者:Manufacturer! |
no.551 |
口說小俚語:OK, point taken.別再說了! |
no.550 |
單字進化術:Marketing對產品的重要性! |
no.549 |
口說小俚語:你 definitely going to be making a splash. |
no.548 |
單字進化術:Be a good manager. |
no.547 |
口說小俚語:I guess 妳 touched a nerve. |
no.546 |
單字進化術:如何management好員工? |
no.545 |
口說小俚語:No way was I about to 放棄的。 |
no.544 |
單字進化術:不景氣下的loss! |
no.543 |
口說小俚語:好,I'm with you now. |
no.542 |
單字進化術:當一個有level的人! |
no.541 |
口說小俚語:這雙鞋made to last嗎? |
no.540 |
單字進化術:找個好job,容易嗎? |
no.539 |
口說小俚語:太棒了。You go, girl! |
no.538 |
單字進化術:現在最夯的issue! |
no.537 |
口說小俚語:Was he anything special to look at? |
no.536 |
單字進化術:購買商品需開立invoice! |
no.535 |
口說小俚語:When do you have time to be 壓力? |
no.534 |
單字進化術:相關的機密information! |
no.533 |
口說小俚語:朋友,I think I love you. |
no.532 |
單字進化術:營收呈穩定的growth! |
no.531 |
口說小俚語:我要去,Count me in. |