Common Errors,Quentin寫作報,Blog


Common Errors
This week, we are going to focus on some common errors to avoid in your writing. The first error is very common in Taiwan.
Task 1: Study the error box.
 Frequent Error Box 1: suggest
 I suggest you to go home.
 I suggest to start again.
 I suggest we should start now.
 I suggest we can start now.
 I suggest we must start now.
 I suggest that you go home.
 I suggest starting again. / I suggest that we start again.
 I suggest that we start now.
 I suggest that we start now.
 I suggest that we start now.
*Don’t use ‘suggest to V’. It’s wrong.
*Don’t use ‘suggest you to V’. It’s wrong.
*Don’t use suggest with ‘must’, ‘can’ or ‘should’. Just use the present simple in the second clause: ‘we start now’.
As you can see, you have probably been using ‘suggest’ wrongly for a long time already! Try to change! Here’s another common error. 
 Frequent Error Box 2:  request
 I request for a pay rise.
 I request to transfer to another department.
 I request you to stop smoking.
 I request a pay rise. / I put in a request for a pay rise.
 I request a transfer to another department.
 I request that you stop smoking.
Don’t use ‘make s/o to V’ or ‘let s/o to V.’
Use ‘be made to V’ if you want to use ‘make’ in the passive.
Use ‘be allowed to V’ if you want to use ‘let’ in the passive.
Task 3: Correct these sentences. Use the error boxes to help you.
I suggest you to talk to your boss.
I request you to send me payment as soon as possible.
I request you for coming to the meeting.
I suggest you can take a holiday tomorrow.
He suggested us to start as soon possible.
I suggest you should work harder.
She requested for a vacation.
Here are the answers from last week.
I suggest you talk to your boss.
I request you send me payment as soon as possible.
I request that you come to the meeting.
I suggest you take a holiday tomorrow.
He suggested that we start as soon possible.
I suggest you work harder.
She requested a vacation.
文章分類:Tense overview
上一篇:Set-phrases for emails 7
下一篇:Set-phrases for emails 8

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