Set-phrases for emails 8,Quentin寫作報,Blog


Set-phrases for emails 8
Last week we did a lot of difficult grammar. This time, and for the next few weeks, we’are going to do some more easy work with set-phrases for opening and closing emails. We’re going to start with the verb thanks, as this is the most frequently used for opening and closing written business communication.
Task 1: Sort the following set-phrases into the table below.
 Thank you for your email about n.p./Ving…
 Thank you for your email.
 Thank you for sending n.p….
 Thank you for sending me n.p.…
 Thank you very much for your help.
 Thanks and sorry for any misunderstanding.
 Many thanks for your understanding on this.
 Thank you very much.
 Thanks in advance.
 Thank you in advance for your time.
 Thanks in advance for your help.
 Thank you again for choosing n.p.…
 Many thanks.
 Thanks for your help.
 Thanks for your reply.
 Thank you for purchasing n.p.…
 Thank you for your message.
 Thank you for your message about n.p/Ving….
Check out the language bank below and read through my comments.
 Thank you for your email about n.p/Ving.…
 Thank you for your email.
 Thank you for sending n.p….
 Thank you for sending me n.p.…
 Thanks for your reply.
 Thank you for your message.
 Thank you for your message about n.p./Ving…
 Thank you very much for your help.
 Thanks and sorry for any misunderstanding.
 Many thanks for your understanding on this.
 Thank you very much.
 Thanks in advance.
 Thank you in advance for your time.
 Thanks in advance for your help.
 Many thanks.
 Thanks for your help.
 Thank you again for choosing n.p.…
 Thank you for purchasing n.p.…
*Of course, in all these set-phrases you can write ‘Thanks…’, or ‘Thank you…’, but not ‘Thanks you…’.
*Notice that you do not need to use ‘me’ after ‘send’. If you want to make your email a bit more personal you can use ‘me’.
*‘Thanks and sorry for any misunderstanding’. Use this set-phrase when there has been some kind of communication problem between you and your reader caused by the fact that (both of) you are writing in a language which is not your own.
*‘Many thanks for your understanding on this’. Use this when there has been a business problem which you have had to sort out.
*‘Thanks in advance.’ ‘Thank you in advance for your time.’ ‘Thanks in advance for your help.’ These set-phrases are very useful if you want to put pressure on the reader to help you with something. Because you have thanked him in advance of his action, it puts more of an obligation on him to actually help you. Useful right!?
*‘Thank you again for choosing n.p.…’ ‘Thank you for purchasing n.p.…’ Use these set-phrases in a first contact email to thank the reader for choosing your product or service or company. This will help to build good customer relations.
文章分類:Tense overview
上一篇:Common Errors
下一篇:Set-phrases for emails 9

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