

Tips for Traveling with an Infant on a Plane
*Try to select a flight that coincides with the infant’s normal sleep schedule. A late-afternoon flight would be a good choice if your child regularly naps then. And taking a red eye flight in the early morning hours may not be convenient for you, but it would be worth it if your baby sleeps soundly during the entire flight.
*Bring a sturdy yet compact stroller. Even if you won’t be using it at your final destination, it will come in handy when navigating the airport, especially if you have a layover and have to change planes quickly.
*Leave plenty of time for surprises before you leave for the airport. If you forget an essential item like a pacifier, extra diapers, or clothing, you will be able to purchase these items before you arrive at the airline check-in counter.
*Always request the bulkhead seats. It gives you ample floor space for changing diapers and you won’t have to worry about your infant kicking the seats in front of you. Window seats preferred because they are slightly darker and offer fewer distractions.
*Due to changes in cabin air temperature and pressure, it is inevitable that your infant will shed tears. To make your infant comfortable you can remove or add a piece of clothing. To relieve pressure in the ears, walk your infant in the aisle.
*It is a good idea to bring more items than you think you will need. Be sure to pack extra amounts of all your essential items, including formula, diapers, clothing, toys, and snacks.
1. According to the article, when is the best time for infants to fly?
(A) During the infant’s regular sleeping time
(B) During the late afternoon
(C) In the early morning hours
(D) When it is most convenient for the parents
2. What should you NOT do when traveling with a baby?
(A) Arrange to be seated next to a window.
(B) Bring a stroller for use in the airport.
(C) Carry extra quantities of items you normally use.
(D) Arrive at the airport just before the check-in time.
3. Why should you request a bulkhead seat?
(A) It is the best place for your infant to nap.
(B) It is darker and offers fewer distractions.
(C) It gives parents space for changing diapers.
(D) It tends to be warmer and more comfortable.
4. The word "inevitable" in point 5, line 1 is closest in meaning to
(A) avoidable
(B) unforeseeable
(C) certain
(D) unexpected
(A) 嬰兒正常睡眠的時候
(B) 接近傍晚的時候
(C) 一大早的時候
(D) 父母最方便的時候
題目問"When is the best time for infants to fly?",應試者應該將焦點放在找出最適合嬰兒搭機的「時間」上。由第一點第一句"Try to select a flight that coincides with the infants normal sleep schedule."可知,「與嬰兒正常睡眠時間相符」的時間乃最佳時間。
選項(A) "During … infants regular sleeping time"與文中的重點相符,故為最佳答案。
選項(B) "… late afternoon"提到的是「接近傍晚」的時間不對,故不選。
選項(C) "… early morning"說的是「一大早」,亦為錯誤,故不選。
選項(D)提到的"… convenient for … parents"是指「父母方便」的時間,仍非最佳時間,故亦不選。
(A) 安排坐在靠窗的位置。
(B) 攜帶一輛嬰兒車在機場內使用。
(C) 攜帶比正常使用數量更多的物品。
(D) 在報到時限的前一刻才抵達機場。
第二題問的是"What should you NOT do when traveling with a baby?",必須要找出三個帶嬰兒搭機應做的事,以便排除掉一個「沒有」被提到的。根據"Bring a sturdy yet compact stroller."、"Window seats preferred because they are slightly darker and offer fewer distractions."和"It is a good idea to bring more items than you think you will need. Be sure to pack extra amounts of all your essential items….",我們可以得到以下的配對:
選項(A) Arrange to be seated next to a window = Window seats preferred,有被提到。
選項(B) Bring a stroller for use in the airport = Bring a sturdy yet compact stroller,也有被提及。
選項(C) Carry extra quantities of items you normally use = Be sure to pack extra amounts of essential items,也有被提到。
選項(D) Arrive at the airport just before the check-in time與文中的"Leave plenty of time for surprises before you leave for the airport."相悖,為正確答案。
(A) 那裡是讓嬰兒小睡最好的地方。
(B) 那裡比較暗,干擾因素比較少。
(C) 那裡讓父母有空間為嬰兒換尿布。
(D) 那裡通常比較溫暖舒適。
這題問的是"Why should you request a bulkhead seat?",應試者應將焦點放在找出要求坐靠艙壁座位的「原因」。根據第四點提到的"Always request the bulkhead seats. It gives you ample floor space for changing diapers … ."可知,如此一來父母會有「較大的空間」幫小孩換尿布。
選項(A)提到"… for ... infant to nap."說是可以讓嬰兒睡午覺,這與文中描述的句子不符,故不選。
選項(B)提到"… darker … fewer distractions."根據同一點最後一句,是坐"window seats"的好處,故不選。
選項(C)提到的"… gives … space for changing diapers."與文中提到的關鍵句一致,故為最佳答案。
選項(D)提到"… warmer … more comfortable.",說是較溫暖和舒適,這一點文中並沒有提及,故不選。
(A) 可避免的
(B) 無法預見的
(C) 確定的
(D) 出乎意料的
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