Common business word partnerships,Quentin寫作報,Blog


Common business word partnerships
Now let’s have a look at the verb ‘put’. This verb looks very easy as it’s so short. However, in business English there are so many uses for this verb, that it’s quite a difficult verb to use. It’s worth learning to use it well, however, as it is a very high frequency verb, and therefore very useful. Let’s begin with the most frequent word partnerships.
The word partnerships with ‘put’ can be divided into 6 very general groups of meaning.
One group means write or record: ‘Let me put you on our mailing list’.
Another group means begin functioning: ‘We need to put this into effect by next week.’
Another group is word partnerships used to show priorities between things: ‘We need to put the client first at all times.’
Another group is word partnerships with a very general negativemeaning: ‘My boss is really putting pressure on me to resign.’
Another deals with relationships between people: ‘I’m putting you in charge of the team.’
And finally, ‘put’ can combine with nouns to give a more abstract meaning: ‘Let’s try to put this problem into perspective here.’
Task 1: Sort the following language items with put into the table below. Look at the examples.
 a stop to s/th
 a strain on resources/capacity/cashflow
 o/self out for s/o
 pressure on s/o
 s/o in a difficult/embarrassing/awkward position
 s/o in charge of n.p.
 s/o in the picture
 s/o in touch with n.p.
 s/o on a mailing-list/waiting –list
 s/th first
 s/th into effect
 s/th into perspective
 s/th into service
 s/th on file
 s/th onto the market
 s/th to good use
 s/th to one side
 s/th to use
 s/th to work
 the matter right
1. record
4. negative meaning
 s/o on a mailing-list/waiting -list
 pressure on s/o
2. begin functioning
5. relationships
 s/th into effect
 s/o in charge
3. prioritize
6. abstract meaning
 the client first
 the matter right
Check out your answers in the table below.
1. record
4. negative meaning
 put s/th on file
 put s/o on a mailing-list/waiting-list
 put a stop to s/th
 put a strain on
 put resources/capacity/cashflow
 put s/o in a difficult/embarrassing/awkward position
 put pressure on s/o
2. begin functioning
5. relationships
 put s/th into service
 put s/th into effect
 put s/th onto the market
 put s/th to work
 put s/th to use
 put o/self out for s/o
 put s/o in charge of n.p.
 put s/o in touch with n.p.
3. prioritize
6. abstract meaning
 put s/th first
 put s/th to good use
 put s/th to one side
 put s/o in the picture
 put s/th into perspective
 put the matter right


文章分類:Tense overview
上一篇:Common business word partnerships
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