The Brain Drain Movement 人才外流行動,Quentin寫作報,Blog


The Brain Drain Movement 人才外流行動

“Airline pilots and mechanics, and electrical linesmen and engineers are among the skilled workers leaving Philippines for higher paying jobs in a brain drain that raises questions about the nation’s future.”
I don‘t understand the using of in a brain drain in this sentence, could you teach me?

我不懂 in a brain drain 在這句話裡的用法,你可以教我嗎?

The term “brain drain” is not, as some might assume, to be taken literally. Brain drain is the term used to describe the now commonly observed phenomenon in which skilled and well-educated members of one country move to another to expand their professional and personal opportunities. In other words, if Country X (the Philippines, in the example) is experiencing brain drain, it means that Country X’s top talents (e.g. airline pilots, mechanics, electrical linesmen and engineers, according to the sample sentence) are moving out of Country X to seek opportunities elsewhere—in Country Y, perhaps. The “brains” of Country X are its skilled worker-citizens. The “drain” is their movement away from Country X, which usually results in an economic loss for Country X. 

「Brain drain」這個詞並不是像某些人可能以為的那樣,照字面上來翻。Brain drain 這個詞是用來形容目前一種常見的現象,也就是國內具備技術及受過良好教育的人才跑去別國,以擴展本身的專業與個人機會。換句話說,假如 X 國(比方說菲律賓)正面臨「brain drain」,這就表示 X 國的頂尖人才(例如在例句中就是指航空機師、技師、電力配線師和工程師)正在遷出 X 國,以便去別的地方找機會,也許是在 Y 國。X 國的「brains」就是指它的技術勞工型居民。「drain」則是指他們離開 X 國的行動,而且通常會造成 X 國的經濟損失。 


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